Chapter Seven.

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Zeke was pacing in the hallway when his cell phone rang, one of the nurses glared at him as he flipped open his phone. The doctor had came to evaluate Becky and he had politely stepped out.


"Hey man, it's Wolf."


"I have news on Ty," Wolf said.

"Is he okay?"

"He's fine, I reached another member. They saw him a few days ago and they said his phone is broken. He was heading up into the mountains but they were going to call around, if anyone sees him they'll make sure he gets to a phone."

"But he's okay?" Zeke questioned again.

"He's okay," Wolf promised.

Zeke leaned back against the nearest wall with a heavy sigh, he felt suddenly relieved now that he knew Ty was okay. A weight had been lifted from his shoulders and off of his chest.

"How is Becky? The girls wanted to know." Wolf said.

"She's okay."

"Any news on what's going on?"

"The Doctor is in with her now."

"How about you? Are you holding up okay?"

"I'm fine, I'll be better when Ty is here to take care of her."

"At least for now you know he is okay."

"Yeah, I appreciate you finding out."

The doctor came out of the room and Zeke turned towards him.

"I've gotta go," He said quickly.

"Okay, later."

The doctor smiled as he finished examining the clipboard and Zeke slid his phone into his pocket.

"Any update?" Zeke asked.

"Well, there's definitely trauma to the spine and pressure due to the swelling. I'm hoping in a few weeks when the swelling goes down the nerves will be okay and she'll be fine."

"But you're not sure?"

"It could go either way, the swelling might go down and she'll be fine with some therapy or....maybe the swelling goes down and the nerves are too shot. There's a definite chance that Becky won't walk again."

Zeke felt suddenly sick, his chest constricted and his vision got blurry. He leaned back against the wall with a thud, the doctor glanced at him then put a hand on his shoulder.

"Look, it's too early to tell anything but she's still very lucky."

The doctors words didn't make him feel any better, in fact he now noticed that his own hands were shaking and completely numb.

What if he doctor was wrong? What if she didn't get better? What if she never was able to walk again or dance? Or walk down the aisle and chase after her children? What if Becky's entire life had been ruined in just a few minutes it took for him to decide that she should climb out that damned window? How would he ever look at her knowing that and not feel guilty?

The doctor walked away and with a heavy sigh Zeke turned to go into her room, what if she was upset? What if she was crying? What would he say to her?

He opened the door and was surprised to find her sitting up in bed watching television, her parents were in chairs on either side of her and when he stepped inside she smiled at him.

"Did you get ahold of Ty?" She asked.

He swallowed past the lump in his throat, of course she'd want Ty with her. They were lovers, weren't they?

"No, but I heard from someone else and he's okay. His phone is broken and I'm sure he'll be here as soon as he can."

"That sound like Ty, how many phones does this make?" She asked.

"Four or five in two years."

"Did you talk to the doctor?" She asked.

"Yes, listen...Becky....."He was preparing what was probably about to be a piss-poor apology when she interrupted.

"He said I can go home in a day or two," She cut him off.

"We wanted her to come back with us but unfortunately she just can't fly right now and driving would take days," Her mother said.

"I'll stay with her, she'll be fine." Zeke said.

"You're a good boy, your parents would be proud." Her father said.

Zeke winced, even though he had accepted his parents death it still stung to think about them and all they had missed. Maybe Ty would have turned out a little better if they had survived.

"Thank you," Zeke managed.

"We were just going to step out and make some phone calls. We have family who will want an update," Her mother said.

"Go ahead."

Her parents exited as they pulled out their cell phones, Zeke knew she had aunts, uncles and cousins who would be dying to hear how Becky was doing.

"I can't wait to go home," She said when her parents were gone.

"Becky....I'm sorry."

"For what?" She turned her attention to flipping through the television channels.

"The doctor...he told me that you might not walk again."

"I will," She said with a shrug.


"Zeke, don't. I said I will walk again and I will."

He shook his head, she always did this kind of thing. When the shit hit the fan, Becky just simply would choose to ignore it and go on about her life.

He took the seat beside her and watched her continue flipping through the channels and while she tried her best to hide it he could see the fear hidden in her eyes, the way she clenched her jaw and her lower lip trembled.

He reached out and gently place his hand on top of hers, a tear rolled down her cheek but she didn't take her eyes off the television as she settled on a movie and they began to watch it.

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