Chapter Fourteen.

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If the photo works *sometimes they don't* the photo is of Zeke.

Sky was underneath a red Buick, trying to change the oil when he heard his sisters voice calling to him inside the empty garage.


"I'm under here," He called back.

"What are you doing? She asked, peeking down through a space near the motor at him.

"Trying to get this damned oil pan off," He replied.


She disappeared and a minute later had wiggled under the car with him, her head next to his and her body going the opposite direction his was.

"Let me see," She said taking the tool from his hand.

"It's on there pretty tight Jen."

She rolled her eyes as she began twisting the bold loose with little problems.

"How in the hell....."

"Lefty loosey, righty tighty," She replied.

"Did you come here for a reason?" He asked.

"Do you know where Zeke lives?" She asked.


He pushed out from under the car, standing up and grabbing a rag to wipe his hands on. She popped up on the other side of the car, resting her chin on the roof.

"Because I'm madly in love with him and I can't stand it anymore."

He paused and looked up at her, not sure if he believed her or not.

"Jenny....I...really don't think that you should..."

"Oh relax! I want to see Becky."

"I don't know if she's up for visitors just yet."

"Okay, you can take me to dinner then." She said with a shrug.

"Oh, can I?"

"Come on Sky, I'm starving."

"Fine, let me just wash up first."

He headed to the sink a nearby corner and she skipped along behind him, her brown curls bouncing.

"Why are you out here alone anyway?"

"I needed to think."

"About what?"

"Nothing, don't worry about it."

She shrugged and handed him a towel to dry his hands, when their parents got married it had been a big adjustment for both of them. They'd each been only children, then his mother married her father when he was seventeen and she was fourteen and suddenly they had siblings to care about.

At first she had done her best to avoid him and that was fine with him, he was too busy to worry about her but then he started getting used to her constantly being underfoot.

When the was broke out his first thought and only priority had been protecting Jenny, his mother had passed away three years ago from cancer and Jennys father had recently been moved to a retirement home.

Sky still went to see him from time to time, the man was the only father he'd ever known and he owed him his loyalty.

"We can stop and see Dad if you want too," He offered.

"That would be nice."

He turned walking out of the garage with Jenny falling in step right behind him, he swung onto his bike and she didn't hesitate to slide on behind him.

Zeke tossed and turned on the too little couch, he was six foot six and only about five foot of him fit on the couch. He tossed the blanket off and rolled over the other way. Becky was asleep in his bed, she insisted that she could sleep on the couch but he refused. Her back wouldn't be able to heal if she slept on a cramped couch, hell he might need back surgery when it was over.

Thunder cracked outside as a storm was being pushed in from the south, people were warned to stay in doors and power outages were expected. He got up and paced to his window, staring out at the black sky and rain. A second later the house plunged into a different kind of darkness and the soft hum of the fridge quite, power failure.

"Zeke?"A voice called from his bedroom.

"Yeah?" He called back.

"I.....I think I....need a pain"

He frowned before walking back the hall, when he entered his room he found her laying in the middle of the bed. She was crying and tossing the upper part of her body around wildly.

"Becky, how long has it hurt like this?"

"Awhile," She said with a soft sob.

He turned and moved down the hall into the kitchen, fishing out the bottle of pain pills and then grabbing a water he hurried back into his room. She was in a different position when he got there and he eased onto the bed.

"Here," He helped her sit up and take the pain pill before easing her back onto the bed.

"It started awhile ago and....I....thought I could take it."

"What else can I do?" He asked.

"The doctor said heat would help but....I don't think you'll be plugging in a heating pad."

"No, I don't think I will."

She winced and let out a soft cry her body tensing as another wave of pain set into her back.

"Okay, move over." He said.

She was crying too hard to do much of anything so he pulled back the blankets himself and gently turned her onto her left side. Then he slid into the bed behind her, slipping his hands under her shirt and rubbing them up her spine.

She let out a small whimper and he began to massage the tight, smooth flesh. He could feel the tightness in each bulging muscle and was briefly afraid he was hurting her, his hands too big, too strong.

"Shhhh, it's okay." He said softly, trying to soothe her.

She sniffed but didn't reply, taking a shaky breath. He wasn't sure if the pain pill was starting to work or if the heat from his hands was helping but he didn't care as long as she was able to get some peace.

"It's okay," he said again, his hands tracking down her spine, pressing lightly.

They lay in bed together all night, listening to the storm outside and his hands manipulating her throbbing muscles until she finally fell into a deep sleep. Not long after he fell asleep as well, tucked under the warm blankets with her back pressed against his solid chest.

Zeke's Secret *Animals MC book 3*Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα