Thunder Wolf

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~ Tegan's POV ~

I slowly woke up, rubbing my eyes as they adjusted to the light coming through the window.

I looked around for a moment and realized that I was not only in someone else's room but I was also in someone else's bed.

I kind of freaked out for a second before remembering what happened yesterday. My legs were a little sore from all the running that happened yesterday. My throat felt a little raw from all the crying too.

I swung my feet over the edge of the bed, coming in contact with the cold floor. I noticed a little piece of paper on the Stiles' nightstand. I picked it up and read it considering it was addressed to me.


Hey so I'm not home currently. I had to go help Scott with some supernatural stuff. You're welcome to come to Scott's too if you want. He feels bad for yesterday. I think he'd appreciate it if you came. But I get it if you don't wanna come over.


Great. Now I'm in a really awkward position if I don't go over.

I decided to just suck it up and go over because I desperately needed a change of clothes. Then I realized, I didn't have any clothes at Scott's house anyway.

Huh. Well there goes getting dressed for the day.

I slowly walked up the front steps of the McCall residence, dreading the moment of awkwardness that was going to occur.

I stood if front of the door for a solid minute before I had the courage to knock. I don't know why I was so nervous! I mean, Scott's the one who let me into his house after finding me on the side of a random road!

Just as I was about to knock, the door swung open revealing a slightly surprised Stiles.

"Oh! Uh, sorry. I-" I began.

"No! It's fine. Actually it's great that you're here. C'mon! Let's get in the car." Stiles quickly said pushing me toward his rusty old jeep.

I didn't have time to oppose getting into his car because he literally pushed me into the car.

I was suddenly in the back seat and I noticed Scott was in the passenger's seat.

Stiles hopped into the driver's seat and started the ignition. The engine grumbled for a second before actually turning on.

"So, where exactly are we going?" I asked very very confused.

When neither answered, I just decided to let it go. I glanced out the window and got distracted by the scenery. I loved car rides- I think...

We arrived at the edge of a forest. I was now very confused as to why they needed me to come to the forest with them.

I got out and followed the two deeper into the woods.

We stumbled upon an old house that looked like it had been burned a while ago.

"Tell me no one lives there." I said as more of a statement.

"Well..." Scott trailed off.

I sighed. "Why am I here?"

Suddenly I heard a low growl. I gasped and looked around to see where it came from. Once I looked in the direction of the house, a giant monster jumped out at me.

I screamed- well actually it was more like growled since I'm apparently a monster too.

I felt my eyes turn and I could feel extra hair all over.

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