Rescue mission

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I sat across from Karyn in a booth at the rear end of café tucked away in the back alley of town. We sat there in an awkward silence, waiting for our order to arrive. I sat there wondering the entire time, why the hell did I agree to this? It was getting dark out, and I had to make it home early enough to avoid the goon's that came out late at night, and there was no goddamn way I was letting her see where I lived. I put it down to spite, but a pang of shamefulness niggled in my gut.

Not soon enough, two steaming hot coffee's in pristine reflective mugs where precariously placed in front of us by a smiling waitress. I nodded my thanks and blew straight onto the coffee. "Emma, I want to apologise," Karyn began, not touching her coffee.

"Apologise? For what? Leaving me to fend for myself, just like everyone else?" I said striking up.

She stared at me with cold dead eyes. Something about them just didn't seem right, they held an edge to them. An edge I'd never noticed about her. What happened to her, I wondered.

"You don't understand Emma, I-"

"Oh, I understand perfectly! You found yourself a guy who you couldn't resist and you ran off into the sunset together, the end. Now you're here, so tell me the truth. What the fuck do you want?"

"How dare you! You know me, I would've done anything for you. I would have died before I left you alone again. You have no idea what I went through to get back to you!"

I sat there, staring at her again. Slowing something inside me softened and my anger, frustration and sadness slowly fell away as the seconds ticked by. Quietly I asked, "what happened?"

She sighed deeply, rubbing her pale, porcelain face with her hand before looking back up at me. "I was abducted. Sounds crazy, but not .... Not uncommon here. I didn't know where I was, or what was going to happen to me, but somehow despite it all I made it out. The entire time I was gone, I was there, doing whatever they asked of me."

I was shaking now, curious, but afraid. I wasn't sure that I wanted to know anymore, but I had to. "What did they make you do?"

"I was... to put it simply a whore," She said quietly.

My blood went cold. So she was a sex slave... But how, and why. How did she get away? How was she alive? What the fuck was going on?

"I know you've probably got a million questions. All that matters is I am here now, and I'm here for you, okay? I need you to listen to me very carefully Emma. I'm still... a part of their game. I'm not here to reconcile with you, I'm here to take you," She stared directly into my eyes, they changed colour. They were a bright red. Shocked I stood up suddenly, shaking the table and spilling some of the coffee.

"are you fucking insane," I whispered.

"yes... Emma, you need to run," She said standing abruptly.

"What are you talking about? What the hell-"

"No shut up. We're going to walk out the door and you're going to get in the car. Okay? I've got money. When I say get out, you get your fucking ass out of that car as fast as you can."

She pulled a wad of cash out of her leather jacket and left it out of the table. As I stared down at it, the inconspicuously grabbed my arm and pulled me out. I wanted to fight her, to tell her to fuck off, but I didn't know what was going on. I couldn't put the pieces together. All I knew was she wanted me to run. Run where?

"Away," She replied.

"Why?... WAIT WHAT?" I screamed.
She opened the door to the car and pushed me inside, slamming the door behind her. I tried to open it, but it wouldn't open. Fucking child lock. Karyn got in the other side, and started the car.

"The bag under the seat has a train ticket and 5000 thousand dollars in it. I want you to take it. When I say get out, get your ass onto the platform the ticket says, get on the train, and never come back. Do you hear me?"

"Karyn, what the fuck is going on? What are you talking about, this makes no sense! You want me to leave everything behind, for some crazy fucking idea you have? I ain't doing it. In fact, let me out right now you're a crazy bitch." I screamed.

"Leave what behind, hm? You have nothing, Emma, I'm here to take you away. The people who took me, they're after you now, and It's my job to take you, but I'm not going to do that. When I stop you at the station you run, got it?"

I didn't say anything. She was fucking insane.

"I'm not insane, Emma. Just trying to protect you."

"From what? You need help."

"From the ones who took me," she whispered, almost too quiet to hear her.


So really quick chapter, not entirely my best, but i really wanted to get something out. Let me know what you think in the comments. Thank you all.

WZ |]6

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2016 ⏰

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