Year 3 | Secrets Undone

Start from the beginning

Fred joined in, "Wouldn't your foot go right through them?"

"This is not the time for technicalities, boys." Lily had mumbled. She looked from Hermione, to Ron, to George and then Fred. Her eyes stayed on Fred as she skimmed him over. His eyes were red and puffy. "Have you been crying?"

Before he could reply to her question, Hermione cut in, "How do you feel?"

Lily looked at her sarcastically, "Just peachy. Really, I think I could go run a marathon a right about now. How about you Harry?"

She looked at her brother and without examining his injuries, continued on her sarcastic streak, "The next time you do some stupid stunt like that, please let me know ahead of time so I can prepare."

"There's something else you should know, guys. Your Nimbuses -- when they blew away? -- they sort of landed in the Whomping Willow. And well..."

He tipped a bag of splintered wood and twisted twigs onto the bed, leaving the twins staring at the mess. Lily grumbled again, glaring at her brother.

"This one is on you."

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That very same day, after Harry and Lily were released from the hospital wing, the evening soon came and Lily was in her bedroom. Harry, Ron and Hermione had gone to dinner in the great hall, for Hermione had convinced Harry that he needed to eat, but failed to do the same with Lily. After about ten minutes after dinner convened and everyone dug into the food set before them, Fred had noticed Lily was not accompanying the three.

"Where's Lily?" He asked Harry as he walked up to them.

"Back in the common room." Harry replied, "She didn't want to eat. I was going to bring her a plate."

"I'll do it." Fred volunteered.

Harry smiled at him, "Thanks."

Fred gathered two plates and grabbed baked potatoes, roast chicken and a few other foods to put onto the plates. With a a farewell to his twin, he exited the great hall and walked out into the empty corridors. It did not take him very long to make his way to Gryffindor Tower, but when he reached the painting, he was met with the new password keeper.

"What villain is this that trespass upon my private lands!" The Fat Lady had been replaced by a paining of a tiny knight by the name of Sir Codogan. He brandished hid sword wildly as Fred approached him.

"Who dares challenge Sir Cadogan! Back, you scurvy braggart! You rogue!" Sir Cadogan exclaimed crazily. The man was barking mad, but it was to be expected for no other picture would take the job.

"Apple blossom." Fred gave him the password.

The painting opened, but he did not enter without Sir Cadogan giving him a final farewell, "Farewell, comrade! If ever you have need of noble heart and steely sinew, call upon Sir Cadogan!"

"Yeah, I'll call you." Fred muttered as he entered the common room, "If I ever need someone mental."

The door closed again and Fred was greeted by a desolate common room. The crackling flames of the orange fire in the fireplace was the only noise in the room. He set the two plates of food down on a clear table and just as he was about to call out Lily's name to find out where she was, he received his answer.

A loud banging and a frustrated shout from Lily in her bedroom upstairs made Fred walked over to the stairs, where drew his wand and muttered a self-made spell at the stairs. Without it turning into a slide, he quickly ascended the stairs and raced down the hall to the last room. He knocked, but when he heard another loud thud, he placed his hand on the knob and turned it, entering into the room.

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