"She was making a left turn and a truck didn't stop and turned right into her."

"Where are you?"

"At the hospital," he tells me. "the one you were at." Every part of my heart breaks into pieces and I rush to find clothes to put on. I grab the crimson lace thong that Jamie got oh so excited about and nearly break it pulling the fabric up my legs.

"Can you find me some leggings, please," I let a tear slip down my face. He stands up and walks over to my pants drawer and quickly pulls out my black cotton leggings that I wear all the time. He hands them to me and I shutter, grasping them in my hand. "thank you."

Once I get the rest of my clothes on, I rush out of my room, Jamie following me, and I get my trench coat from the closet. Taking a deep breath, I put it on and run to the back door to start Jamie's car. I motion Jamie to get in the passenger seat and I slide the keys in the ignition and Jamie gets into the car. Just as he buckles up, I pull out and speed away.

The drive to the hospital is quiet and uncomfortably long. The lights are all red and take forever to turn green.

Jamie clears his throat and speaks. "C-Cecilia?"


"What's going on?"

"My mom's turning in to me."

"Meaning?" he questions.

"She got into a car accident and I'm starting to think she's not going to make it," I mutter.

Everything is numb. My heart is like ice, I can't feel a thing anymore. Even the pain that I should be feeling right now isn't there.

"What do you mean she's turning into you though?"

"I'm slowly dying, Jamie," I tell him.

"No, you're not," he says.

"That's how it feels," I blink away tears. The only thing I know how to do lately is crying. If I had a job interview, and they asked for any special talents, I'd tell them that it's crying. "and I can't even explain why. Everything has just started to kill me now."

"Is it something I did?"

"You could never cause me to feel this way," I reassure him. It's my own fault I'm like this. If I hadn't mentioned my father, maybe things would be better. Maybe I would be happy.

Arriving at the hospital brings back my feeling as I remember how much pain I was in the night I got shot. The day I realized that I had fallen in love with Jamie. My leg begins to hurt and I start slightly limping inside of the emergency room check-in. I give them my mom's name and they tell me a room and Jamie and I wait for the automatic doors to open before speed walking down a hallway to the room she's in. I knock on the door, fighting back tears and Fabian opens it and I can tell he's broken.

"I-I don't know what to do, Lia," he chokes. "I haven't even gotten myself a place to live. If we lose Mom, I won't even know where to go."

"You can live with me," I offer.

"No, I can't do that," he shakes his head. "you already have Jamie living with you, I don't want to take up your space."

"I'm sure one of dad's family members would be willing to let you stay with them," I point out.

Fabian shrugs, "I don't know..."

"They'd be more than happy to," I say. "you're not like mom and me, you're like dad and his side of the family."

"Look, Cecilia," Fabian sighs. "I know dad passed away from mom's smoking. I know it wasn't you. Life at home just hasn't been easy. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," I reply. "I know you haven't meant what you've said."

Satyriasis - ja.benn ☆ (18+) ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now