Day Five

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Still Jamie

"Are you going to let me in?" I ask, a bit amused. "or are you just going to keep staring at me?" I stand at Cecilia's door and she just gazes at me. Her mouth is slightly open and she has a surprised look in her eyes.

She moves her lips, trying to breathe out something to say and I glance at her outfit. I'm a bit shocked to see what she's wearing. "I didn't expect you to be the type of person to own Huf socks," I smirk.

"W-What? Oh, these," she finally manages to speak. "let's just say I'm different." She turns around and looks around her place and I furrow my eyebrows, standing in her doorway.

"I might as well just come in instead of getting your apartment cold."

She gives me a panicked look and I then see a pale woman with jet black hair walk out of her kitchen. I slowly step into the place and gently take Cecilia's hands off of the doorknob and I close the door.

"Cecilia, who's this?" the woman asks and I mentally ask the same thing about the woman.

Cecilia clears her throat, trying to think of a lie. "I'm a friend of her's, my name's Jamie...and you are?"

"...her mother, Beatrice," she tells me, hesitating before shaking my hand. "why are you just barging in like this?"

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't know she had company over...I just had to tell her something," I mutter, giving Cecilia a look of nervousness. She needs to know.

"Tell her what?" Beatrice crosses her arms over her chest, the various tattoos on her arms jiggling a bit.

"Uhm, it's a bit personal," I inform, blushing.

"Then why are you even going to tell her if it's personal?"

"Because I trust her."

I say that a little louder than I had intended.

"I'm sorta supposed to trust her even if I don't want to, I still want to," I speak before anyone else can. "if you have a problem with that, then it's yours. Nobody else's."

"Be careful, Cecilia," Beatrice tells Cecilia and I scoff. "he's screwed up in the brain. You don't know what he has in store."

With that, she's out of the door in seconds. She didn't even say goodbye to Cecilia and it makes me angrier.

"I swear, I'm the only sane one in that family," Cecilia walks into her bedroom, initiating for me to follow her. I feel rude if I say I'm thankful that her stygian mother is gone but it's the truth. I need peace and quiet with Cecilia and if I'm going to get that by going through her mom, then that's what I'll do; especially when her mother's mindset is to be like Medusa.

"There's got to be someone else that isn't like that," I say, taking a seat on her bed.

"Yeah, laying in their graves," she groans. "all of the bad things happen to the good people. They're all dead and now I tend to lay there wondering when my turn will come."

Tears come into my eyes. "no, Cecilia, that should be me."

"Why? You seem to have the perfect family!"

"Because now I might be stuck with a freaking STD for all we know," I cry out, tears spilling from my eyes.

"Yeah well, that's no-wait what?" she turns over and the terror in her eyes causes more tears to spill. "who says that?"

"Tyler and Katie both told me I need to go to the doctor to get tested but I can't do it alone."

"Are you saying you want me to go with?"

Satyriasis - ja.benn ☆ (18+) ✔️ Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt