Day Eleven

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"Mom," Fabian says as he pours her another glass of wine. "everything okay?"

"Y-Yeah," she wipes her eyes and drinks the wine rather quickly.

"Cecilia, what'd you do?" Fabian glares at me.

"What?" I furrow my eyebrows. "so this is my fault?"

"You fucked up our father so might as well be thinking about fucking up our mother now."


"No, actually it's that Jamie guy that you're fucking," Fabian interrupts our mom.

"Screw you," I snap. "at least I actually have respect for the people I've slept with."

"Yeah right."

"Fabian, stop it," my mom yells at him and I drink the rest of my wine like its a shot of tequila. Tequila would be nice right now. "leave her alone."

I stand up from the table and walk to the front door, calling a cab to come pick me up since I haven't gotten back into driving yet. At least my leg is healed enough so that I don't need the crutches anymore. My mom steps into the room toward me and sighs.

"Cecilia," she motions me to come over to her. I walk over and wrap my arms around her. "I'm so sorry he is acting like this. I'm glad you told your boyfriend about your father. He deserves to know the deepest parts of you." Boyfriend.

"Thanks for understanding, mom," I smile and notice Fabian in the doorway to the kitchen and he grumbles. I then roll my eyes and pull away from my mom, noticing the cab car pulling up to my mom's house. "I'll see you soon, I promise." I flip off my brother and kiss my mother's forehead, stepping out of the house. Once I seat myself in the cab, I tell him to drive me to a bar. Probably a bad decision on my part but at this point, I couldn't care less.

The cab driver tries to ask me why I want to go to a bar so desperately but I pretend to ignore him, feeling awkward about his presence. I stare out the window at the gloomy sky and the tension I've felt ever since getting shot is insane.

Once the guy pulls up to the bar, I let out a sigh of relief and tip the driver and step out of the cab. I mess up my hair a bit to try to give it some volume and my inner high schooler-or as Smitty would call it, hoe-kicks in. Or maybe that's just the excessive amounts of wine that I drank at my mom's talking. Either way, it's back.

I make my way to the bar and lean over the counter, showing my cleavage off to the bartender. What the hell am I doing?

I grab a twenty out from between my boobs and hand it to the guy, asking for the strongest drink they provide and he smirks at me, grabbing the money. "Anything for you, beautiful."

I watch him, making my drink, and I flick my tongue across the front of my top teeth. A random hand taps my shoulder, and I turn back around to see a tall blonde guy who looks like he could be around my age.

"What's a pretty lady like you doing alone at the bar?" he questions me, snickering.

"Getting a drink, trying to lose myself," I reply, the bartender setting my drink beside my arm. "maybe hook up with someone decent." What the hell is wrong with you, Cecilia?

"Well, my name's Matthew and I happen to think I'm decent enough," he mutters in my ear, placing his strong hand to my upper arm. "so, if you're willing to give me a shot, I'm open."

"I'm Cecilia," I bite my lip. "and I'll think about it." Get out of this situation before you actually hook up with the guy. As Matthew steps away, I glance over at my drink. I bring the glass to my lips, already feeling how drunk this will make me. Oh, goodie, the guy will definitely want to sex you after you've drunk an entire glass of this and around twenty shots of tequila. I probably should've just gotten a ride home. The more that I drink, the better I feel. Even better, the more horny I feel. Maybe Matthew would be a good choice.

Satyriasis - ja.benn ☆ (18+) ✔️ Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt