"Well aren't you in a mood?" I suck in a deep breath as he grins at me with a dark look in his eyes. 

      "Hmm," he shrugs, "only because your here."

I look up at him confused. Is he trying to flirt or something?

      "That's a lie and stop that." I laugh awkwardly.

"Stop what?" He looks at me lazily and I roll my eyes.

     "I don't like when your trying to compliment me . . it isn't you." I shrug and he leans forward as a grin spreads across his lips. "Okay."

       "Anyways, let's get this over with. Word association . . death?" I ask and look up at him. He grins.

"Fun." He answers and I find myself grinning despite the terrible answer. There he is.  


       "Really Beth, I'm fine." I sigh Elizabeth's nickname as she sits across from me. She nibbles at her lip, noticeably nervous.

"It's just that . . I know it really hurt you and-" she tries saying and I cut her off.

       "It did." I laugh and she looks down at her lap. "But I'm over it. He's an asshole who thinks with his cock rather then his brain."

"Amber!" Elizabeth gasps and I press my eyebrows together. 

      "What!?" I ask causing my accent to slip out a little.

"We're in a coffee shop!" She hisses and I glance around us. The room is quiet accept for the smooth music and an old couple are looking at me. But they quickly look away when they see my eyes land on them. I drop my hands in my lap. "Sorry."

    "Don't be." She laughs out loud quietly. "You're over Mason, that's all that matters."

I nod and clear my throat before tucking a strand of loose hair from my bun behind my ear. I cross my arms on the table and lean on it. I haven't hung out or really talked to Elizabeth since the club incident. I was mad at her because she didn't help me either, until I realized she probably hadn't heard me. I'm not necessarily close with her because of the fact she just left, but I guess she can't really help me. They probably would of . . done what they did to me to her as well.

     I take a sip of my hot chocolate and glance around the shop. I use to not like coffee, I hated it. But Elizabeth started making me drink it when we were younger and I ended up loving it by the time I turned twenty. Which was five years ago.

Elizabeth continues to talk to me about her job. Explaining the rules and venting about drama. I ended up drowning her out and I glance towards the door when I heard the bell jingle. I hadn't expected who I saw walk in.

     Johnny Frost walked in with a nice suit on. He tugs at his collar and walks to the front before ordering something. I find myself staring at him in almost shock.

"Why are you staring at-" I turn my gaze back to Elizabeth and when she sees him her eyes light up. "Oh! He's cute."

     She winks and I roll my eyes. He is cute, and I'd probably date him, but I get more of a friendship feeling from him. Maybe an older brother feel?

 When he got his coffee he looked like he was just going to leave. But he caught my eyes and stopped in his tracks. he looked conflicted before making his mind and walking to our table. I smile.

    "Hey Frosty." I grin and he raises an eyebrow at me and laughs awkwardly.

"Hello Amberly . . how are you?" He looks genuinely concerned and I smile. Only him, Mason, and the Joker know. "I'm better."

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