"Miguel, are you sure about sending me to The Empire alone?" I asked, I haven't been going anywhere if he wasn't with me.

"I'll send more bodies to watch over you. I will break their necks one by one if anything happens to you. Even if you break a nail, I will make them pay for that." I blushed at that. If this was his way of showing he is able to care, then I I like it.

"You're cute when you blush." He walked to the couch I was sitting on and pulled me towards him. I let him. Since Friday, Miguel Lobos has been touchy, touchy. And I mind not, let me inform you.

He wrapped the throw blanket over us. My heart started beating faster. It beat faster than the normal rate everytime he touched me, or intrude in my circumference.

"Miguel, don't get mad but..." I knew I was starting trouble, but since we are so getting to know each other, I might as well do it now.

"Before you say anything can I offer you wine?" He was about to stand up but I pushed him back down. "I don't want the bloody wine, I want to know about Linda." I looked into his eyes and I felt him stiffen, then his eyes turned cold. Yes, that cold glare still scares me shitless.

"Kim, we spoke about this..." He unwrapped his arm around me. Shifting a little, putting a small distance between us.

"We did? It's okay for you to ask about my life, my deep buried secrets, but I can't ask about Linda? The one person who haunts you so bloody fucking much!?" I was done being shoved back.

He sighed and stood up. "And where do you think you are going?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"To get a damn drink! Geez woman. If I'm going to tell you about another woman that I loved more than life itself then I might as well get drunk not to feel anything, or even notice the expressions on your face." I didn't see that one coming. Now that he mentioned how he "loved the woman more than life itself" I am scared to hear anything at all.

My heart was threatening to leap out of my chest, he hasn't said much, but the little he had said, caused uneasiness in me.
"On second thoughts, that wine sounds perfect." I faked a smile.

He nodded, he downed two shots of whiskey on rocks, then took double shots to go, bringing my glass of wine with.

"Years ago, Nicholas found out that Thomas had a step sister. Linda. When Thomas was adopted, Linda was sent to another foster care. Thomas told us this in a drunken state, but according to him, he was glad. The little sister was a spoilt brat who deserved the hell she was being put through." He started the tale. I paid attention.

"Nick and I knew how hard it was to be abandoned, and she was a girl, we didn't care about what Thomas wished, we had to save the girl. So we searched and found her."

"Petite, like yourself. Red hair, almost pale skin... She had the most beautiful green eyes. First thing I noticed about her was her eyes. But Nicholas noticed the bruises on her body, her malnourished body. She was even trembling. We got there, and kidnapped her. She instantly just trusted us, no difficulties but we told her who we were and what we wanted."

"We convinced Enoch to take care her in, and he didn't mind. Thomas wasn't happy. But Nicholas instantly felt protective of her. They built a sibling relationship, and I felt something for her. Her eyes were enchanting, the innocence written over her face was refreshing. She was like a breath of fresh air. My salvation." Okay I think I've heard enough. I was jealous. His eyes were lighting up. He was a different Miguel, a Miguel I wished to associate myself with.

"I was young. Twenty two, she was eighteen. But the things she spoke were way ahead of her age. She was smart, book smart, street smart, a total package." I felt pain, in my chest. I was smart, only book smart. Street smart? Please I was total whimp.

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