Jerome #1. 'Arkham' Part Two

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You shuffled along in the queue to get the disgusting mess they served here and expected inmates to pretend was actually food. The cook slapped the various greyish substances on to each partition of your plastic tray. You did, at least manage to get an apple, which wasn't too far gone over. Placing your tray on a table in the furthest corner of the canteen and taking a seat, you resigned yourself to trying to avoid all eye contact with the other inmates. You were doing well until someone jumping into the seat opposite and slapping their hands on the table top caused you to slowly shift your gaze up from the book you had been buried in. You eyed this pale, red haired stranger with a steely glare as he opened his mouth to say something and You quickly cut him off.
"People interrupting me while I'm reading is one of my pet hates... And just generally not a good idea"

He looked taken aback before grinning with a wild glint in his eye.
"Oh, I'm sorry. It's just that you looked a little lonely over here, gorgeous" he stated boldly, suddenly resting his chin on his fist, with his arm propped up on the table from his elbow.
You raised an eyebrow at this and tried to ignore him and get back into your book.
"Can't I at least get your name?" He persisted.
With an irritated sigh and through gritted teeth you pulled your own mouth in to an an obviously fake, pretty smile and answered "Y/N".
"Hi (Y/N), I'm Jerome" he announced, this time jerking his arm off the table and placing his hand flat over his chest around the heart area. This overly dramatic gesture made you want to smile a little but you managed to retain your cagey exterior. Probably best to not let him think he's getting anywhere.

"So. Let me guess... You think that by talking to me, I'll be fooled into thinking you're different from the sharks over there and let my guard down" you sighed, still looking down at your book.
For a moment he looked confused and almost hurt at this comment, leaning back in his chair as he is probably trying to think of a rebuttal.
"Of course not. I just wanted to get to know our newbie. But you are right about those guys and I see why you can't let your guard down, I understand sweetheart."
You felt your already clenched fist smack the underside of table as it seemed to fly up from its place at your side, making Jerome flinch at the loud, sharp 'CRACK' it generated. The worst of the guards liked to call you and some of the other female inmates by these kind of pet names. The corners of his mouth twitched up in to another grin. This guy was really pushing you to your limits and you felt the terrifying prickly sensation and sick feeling that tended to forewarn of one of your 'episodes'. You couldn't help your eyes widening just a little in fear.

Jerome watched you carefully, as he'd clearly picked up on your strange behaviour.
"Whoah girl. loosen up. You've clearly got some issues!" He teased, laughing and holding both hands up defensively.
You tried to ignore him and get back to the book but the words seemed to dance around on the pages, making it too hard to read now.
"You don't want to see what happens when I break..." You warned him, glancing around to see who else was nearby.
"Oo, interesting... So, what brings you here? I know you got transferred up from a different ward... What did you do for that to happen?" He grinned, clearly hoping that the answer would involve something serious.
"Shut up!" You snapped, clasping your head in your hands and starting to tremble. "Please, i'm begging you. Get away from me."
You tried to hold onto yourself but were experiencing the feeling spreading that you could no longer control. He looked fascinated again, eyes fixed on you.
His questions seemed to be the final trigger. The shaking stopped and you ground your teeth down against each other a little.
"Did you kill someone?" He pushed.

You tried to hold it back, you really tried. It physically hurt trying to keep it at bay.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Don't tell me you're the one who killed that guy in the cafeteria! I'm impressed. Very resourceful of you... and with an audience."

It finally hit you and you stood up so forcefully that your chair got knocked backwards and clattered to the floor in the process. You lurched right across the table and grabbed him by the neck of his striped uniform. The rage you were experiencing was all-consuming now. You were no longer in the driving seat.
"Yeah that was me. I killed him with a plastic tray but my bare hands will do just fine this time," You hissed.
"Easy tiger!" He practically shrieked and you shoved him back and pinned him to the wall. You're tall enough so that there wasn't that much of a height difference. He, unsurprisingly, looked a little angry as well now. (You were in danger of choking him after all)
He shoved you backwards and you hit the table and fell to the floor. This only made you angrier and you hurriedly got back to your feet just as he hit you. You retaliated by hitting him back twice as hard and before you knew it you were both rolling around on the floor, fists flying. The more you hit him, the more he laughed. The more he hit you, the angrier you got. The last thing you heard before you were both pinned down by the doctors and nurses and sedated was his laughter as everything started to blur. Strange images flickered into life, everything was changing and warping until you could barely tell which way was up anymore. You couldn't be sure if it was from your episode or the sedative or both, but before you could think more about it you were blacking out.

To be continued...

Hey guys, hope you like this so far. I've read so many imagines with kind of weak main characters, especially female ones and tbh I'd find it hard to write someone like that so I just went with something a bit different. Hope you like it anyways! :)
I think I might write a few different types of main character as it goes on, most will probably be strong in some way or other but probably not like this one, maybe more  like brains over brawn hehe. I get that not everyone is strong in the same ways so i'm looking forward to trying out different things when it comes to more imagines.

(Hehehe It turns out that, if google is correct, i'm almost the same height as Cameron lol. Almost 5ft 11 ^-^ which feels weird to know, but oh well. I guess i'm a little on the tall side? :p)

I guess the moral of this story is don't interrupt people while they're reading... Edward Albee's Zoo story is another good example :p

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