My brother smiled charmingly. “I’m Tyler. I’m Evan’s brother. I was told I needed to come in when I dropped her off?” He phrased it as a question.

“Ah yes. You just need to sign after her. We asked for her guardian to be here, I take it that’s you.” I averted my eyes and Tyler cleared his throat.

“Our father is her primary guardian. He travels often for the family business so I act in his stead when he’s gone.”

“We’ll make note of that in her file. Letters and emails will be addressed to you. If you could just fill this out please,” She accepted the explanation. My brother was just handing back the file when there was a knock on the door and it opened allowing a student entrance. He was rather short for a guy, matching my 5’2”. He had blonde hair that fell into his bright blue eyes, had a lean build, and looked to be a rather easygoing guy. The secretary, still don’t know her name, smiled at the boy. “Just in time, Mr. Lucas. Miss Fabbro, Mr. Lucas over there is going to show you around for the day. Just go to him if you ever need help finding anything.”

“Hey,” Blondie said, smiling at me. I nodded my head in return. “What’s your locker number?”

“Uh,” I looked down to see a card with my number and combo attached to my schedule. “S17.”

“That’s right next to mine!” Blondie smiled. “Come on I’ll take you there first.” He headed back out the door. I turned to Tyler and tried to give him a reassuring smile. He grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.

“Text or call whenever you have lunch okay?”

“Okay,” my response was muffled in his chest. He gave me a squeeze and let me go. Guess I wasn’t that reassuring.

“Have a good day, Angel,” he said to me then pushed me toward the door. I walked out and saw Blondie waiting for me. He started to lead me down the hall and into the hallways where people were just coming in. I turned and saw Tyler looking at me. He noticed me looking and waved. I waved back and when I turned to follow Blondie I saw him looking at me curiously. He looked past me to Tyler.

“Is that your brother?” I nodded. “I thought so. You both smell like electricity.” I froze.

“Excuse me?” He looked at me weird then realization crossed his features.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you or anything, it’s just weird. I’ve never met anyone who smelled like electricity and then I meet two? Weird.” Okay. He just ignored how weird it is for him to tell me how I smell. He didn’t know what the electricity meant either, I had a pretty good idea though.

“Your locker’s this way, Angel. My name’s Chris but you can call me Luke like everyone else.”

“My name is Evangeline,” I hissed at him.

He looked confused. “But I heard-“

“I don’t care what you heard. My name is Evangeline.”

“Sorry, sorry,” he held his hands up in surrender. “I apologize Miss Evangeline.”

“Just lead me to my locker, Blondie,” I muttered under my breath, ignoring the fact that he could hear me. He looked away from me and frowned.

“You’re locker is this way, stay close I don’t want to lose you in the crowd.” He pulled me into what looked like a main hallway that had several branching off of it at the other end to where we were standing. He avoided looking at me. I think I hurt his feelings. I tried not to feel bad about it but it was hard: he was only trying to help me and here I was being a bitch. It wasn’t his fault I was being forced to come here. He pulled me down into a hallway that branched off and was mostly empty. For now at least. He stopped and I looked at the locker and saw that it was mine. I opened it and my stuff in it.

The Matriarch: The Young Royal ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now