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Thin Ice By closet_anarchist

Kelsey Rogers lives and breathes ice hockey. She grew up with a father and brother who both played, and from them she gained a fierce passion for the sport. When her father’s company relocates him, Kelsey must leave her team behind, only to find out that there is no girls’ team where she now lives. Instead of giving up on the sport she loves, Kelsey fights her way onto the local boys’ travel team. However, the difficulty doesn’t stop there. Kelsey has to deal with boys telling her she plays a boys’ sport and that she isn’t as good because of being a girl. Kelsey isn’t one to back down from a challenge, so instead of quitting, she vows to prove that a girl can play ice hockey. Enter Dane Young. He’s the captain of Kelsey’s new team, and one of the major reasons she made it. Despite that, though, Dane is probably harder on her than the team’s coach. To Kelsey, it’s as if he wants to see her fail. Kelsey is determined not to let that happen.

Stupid Cupid By closet_anarchist

Reed Hadley would gladly spend her day holed up in her room with her dog, watching horror movies or surfing the internet on her trusty laptop. Too bad she is the daughter of one of the biggest matchmakers in the business. As soon as Reed started to develop into what scientist dubbed an adolescent, her mom has been sitting her up on dates, which seem to go wrong every time. Reed is done with these dates, and she realizes that the only way to get her mom off her back is to find a boyfriend. When Reed is partnered with bad boy Parker Hunt on a school project, they can’t stand each other. However, Reed and Parker quickly realize they need each other; Reed needs Parker so that her mom will stop with the blind dates, and Parker needs Reed so his jealous ex-girlfriend will leave him alone. So, this odd pair strikes up a deal. For appearances’ sake, they’re an item. Behind closed doors, they may fight like children, but Reed and Parker have managed to fool the people they need to. However, can a fake relationship stay fake forever?

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