Chapter 43

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I had just woken up from a pleasant dream of Lucas when I realised it had been over a week since I last saw him. Happy memories filled my mind as I remembered our confession to one another, in which we admitted our love. It wasn't something that I intended to voice so early on but there was something about sitting in his lap that day and feeling his fingers run through my long strands of hair that made me want to tell him. I had just about the same urge this morning to tell, yet instead of thinking about it I wanted to see him in person and tell him. I had just sent him a text message in the hopes of seeing him sometime later in the day when I received an instantaneous reply.

You know I can't say no to spending time with you gorgeous. Come over after lunch for a swim, no one will be home so don't worry...See you then.

I smiled upon reading his sweet message and also at the thought of having the opportunity to see him shirtless again. I blushed just thinking about it because there was no denying that Lucas was utterly irresistible when wearing little to no clothing. Nevertheless, I put my naughty thoughts aside for the time being since I had to get up, have breakfast and get ready before heading on over to his house.


I had just parked my car alongside his house and stepped outside, when I was immediately blinded by the strong blaze of the sun. I hadn't realised how hot the weather was going to be today so was rather pleased that Lucas chose to do something so accommodating to the weather.

I had just rung the door bell when Lucas opened it from inside and gave me his beautiful smile.

"Is it possible you become more beautiful every time I see you?" He questions me as I step inside.

I laugh before gently swatting his chest in response.

"If only." I lamely tell him before giving his lips a gentle kiss.

"Mmm...more kisses." Begs Lucas as I detach my lips from his.

I let out a laugh before asking him a serious question.

"What's with you today? You seem more cheeky and affectionate than usual?" I point out with a raise of my eyebrows.

I watch as he makes me way over to me and loops his arms around my torso, hugging me close. He dips his head into the crook of my neck and mumbles something. I ask him to repeat it before finally understanding what he said.

"I said I missed you." He softy tells me with a shy smile.

I nervously smile back before giving him another chaste kiss on his lips.

"I missed you too...but let's save some kisses for later, I want to swim first if that's alright." I reply, before he nods and takes my hand in his and leads us outside.

As we walk outside, I can already see the crystal blue water sparkling in the light as the sun reflects against it. Lucas and I can't seem to get our clothes off quick enough before we're both jumping off the edge and into the pool. The temperature of the water is perfect and cools my humid skin almost immediately. I dive under and swim a few laps before leaning up against one of the edges.

"How good is the water?" Remarks Lucas as he joins me.

"So good." I inform him before leaving his side to dive back under.

Lucas and I swim for what seems like a few hours before we take it upon ourselves to cook some lunch. We decide on making tacos and work alongside one another in the kitchen, casually knocking our hips together when one of us gets to close to the other.

I was in the middle of chopping some tomatoes when I felt Lucas stand behind me. It didn't take him long to press a handful of kisses along my cheeks while squeezing my sides playfully.

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