"You never should've left." Bobby replied.

"I have a plan." Scott said to the group. He informed them of it and charged up to Magneto screaming. Magneto held his hand up and in turn pinned Scott against the floor pummeling his face and body into the dirt just inches from Magneto's feet. He flipped his hand and Scott was flipped onto his back and grunted in pain.

"You never learn." He said as he looked down to him, falling for the decoy.

"Actually, I do." Scott replied smirking. David had crept behind the cars and scaled the bridge with lightning fast speed then jumped up behind Magneto and stabbed him in the chest with the four needles.

Magneto stood there in shock for a second and slowly crumpled down to his knees. "I'm-" his hands trembled as he looked at the needles with horror.

"One of them?" Scott finished as he got up from the ground. Magneto was still shaking and trembling from the undergoing change in his genetic compound. He pulled the needles out from his chest and turned around to face me as he fell, struggling on the floor.

"This is what humanity wants for all of us." He said to me with a shaky voice, still trembling. I watched as one of the most powerful mutants i've looked up to turned into a human.

Scott and I locked eyes and he said "it's over Alix," giving me another one of those heartwarming smiles. "It's over." He reassured.

Right as I smiled back and went to take a step I heard "FIRE!" Gun shots were heard loudly behind me and I felt the Phoenix immediately take over my consciousnesses like a flipped light switch. With a dark glare my eyes again shifted completely black.

"NO DON'T SHOOT!" Screamed Scott as loud as he could. The bullets behind me froze in mid air and shattered into dust as I turned around to face the shooters. I floated into the air along with cars, pieces of metal from the bridge, and anything else on the ground remotely close to me including chunks of the cracked ground itself. I inhaled deeply as each of the troops in the line disintegrated rapidly one by one. "NO!" Scott screamed again.

I turned around to face him with my demonic eyes. I turned back around and unleashed my powers, tearing the entire island apart and eradicating anything that got close to me human and mutant alike. I stretched my fingers as streetlights around the building crashed to the ground and set more fire to the island.

"EVERYONE GET OUTTA HERE!" Screamed one of the remaining troops by the building. The upper floor of the laboratory was ripped apart piece by piece and floated into the air with the rest of the destroyed metal. The workers abandoned the building in a panic as the remains of the structure flew into the air. Their bodies shattered the moment they ran out into the catastrophe. Lightning bolts continued to flash in the sky gathered around the island. 

Magneto looked at me fearfully, as a human. "What have I done?" He said to himself as he watched with horror before fleeing.

"I'm the only one that can stop him." Scott said to Storm. "Get everyone to safety."

"Right." She said as she flew up into the air.

Waves from the ocean crashed against the island until walls of water surrounded it preventing the survivors from escaping. I had never felt a surge of power like this before. Scott looked around at the floating water surrounding us in horrific amazement. Flaming cars and other scrap metal bounced around slowly as they got crushed or torn apart in the air.

Storm moved the walls of water with extreme wind long enough for the remaining soldiers and mutants to evacuate the island and flee across the bridge to escape the hurricane.

"Alix I know you're still there." He yelled out to me. He desperately tried to make his way to me and Phoenix turned it's assault on him. The disintegrating flesh being wiped off his body was pushing his instant regenerative powers to the possible limit.

He dug his claws into the ground to stay in place from the extreme pressure. The ground beneath me crumbled to pieces and cracked open in all different directions. "Remember... Alix," he struggled with each word as he relentlessly tried to get to me. "You cant...hurt...me." Scott had almost reached me until most of his chest ripped apart and his bones exposed. His wounds were healing almost as fast as he was receiving them. He was just inches away from me. He gave himself a second to heal and kept climbing up the ledge.

He stood up and we were face to face as he stared into my inhuman eyes. Flesh ripped off of his cheeks and he groaned in pain before they began to heal. With a look of cruel amusement the Phoenix asked "you would die for them?" in it's distorted, demonic voice.

"No, not for them."  I saw a look of pure sorrow in his eyes. "For you."

The emotional response opened my consciousness back to reality with a gasp. Gazing deep into Scott's eyes, I began to cry as the sky continued to flash with light. "Save me." I tearfully begged him so I can be released from the Phoenix.

He hesitated for a short moment. "Alix, I love you." He drove his razor sharp claws through my chest. I gazed into his eyes and I could feel the beast in me die before I did. His face instantly turned grieved. I smiled at Scott in silent gratitude before peacefully closing my eyes and slumping lifeless into his arms. I was in complete and eternal darkness.

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