(Y/T/C) pt 1

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Your P.O.V
I spaced out, and then I heard Adam ask me a question, "Y/N, When did Max find out?" "Ummm...." I heard a voice in my head, Please Y/N I can tell you have major powers just like Max, Mark, Tiger, and I, so please I would like to know that you trust me. (That is Adam talking to a character) I noticed that it was Adam's voice so I breathed I and said, "He found out this morning, after I watched Ross's new Vlog." I said feeling relived to get it off my chest. Then I added, "Hey Adam and Max what are your guys elements. And don't play shy I can sense it!"
Jin's POV
Like always stronger in Magick even if she is the baby of the family, I think as she talked to Adam and Max. "Mine is.........."

Author~Chan: DAH DAAAAAHHHHHH! Sorry I watched 'The Croods' recently
Author~Chan's baby sister (Kali): Lucky! I love 'The Croods'
Author~Chan: Kali! Say bye and leave!
Kali~Sama: Fine, bye my sissies miners!
Author~Chan: Anyways, see you later my miners and don't forget to show the world you can build!

(Small edits)

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