My red haired angel (Max x Reader)

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You were only 5 when you parents died. You were sent to an orphanage because you are a disgrace to the family. Your family disowned you, because they thought you were the reason They died. You are now 17 and you will soon be able to leave the orphanage by yourself......or so you thought.

Hey guys I'm new at this and not very good at writing. Before anyone asks there will be NO LEMON. I'm stating this for my younger audience. Some of these experiences are mine like the cutting (I will tell you when that happens so nothing graphic is in the minds of anyone). Before I finish this I will tell you guys my YouTube I will start soon. I got the idea from a x Reader fanfic but it will be Fire-does-stuff and my vlog will be In-the-life-of-Fire. I also might have a cover channel called Fire-songs. I will answer most questions if they are not too personal or embarrassing. See you later my miners bye byeeeeee

My red haired angel (Max x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now