Chapter Two: In Which I Remember To Introduce Myself

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I never told you my name, did I Scout?

I'm Avaká. Nice to meet you.

As I said before, I live in the middle lands of Trifecta. There's pros and cons to that; Crosslands and Starlands are always giving in attempt to have us join either side – not that we do – but quite a few battles have been fought in our lands as well. Either when the soldiers from the Lands meet in crossroads, or when they decided to throw fits at our stubborn desire to remain neutral.

Trifecta doesn't have a king. We're sort of like a big family; everyone supports and looks out for each other. My blood family though is my Mama, Papa, and my little brother Perié.

Mama says that Perié comes from a World of the Old, and it means curiosity. Boy, does that name fit. Watching him's a pain; he's always wandering off to look at something!

Perié loves the Legend of the Lands, and every time Mama or Papa – or anyone else – tells it, he always complains that he doesn't have magic.

But Papa says that everyone has magic. Its just takes a special kind of person to unlock it.

This made quite a few spectacles however.

"What are you doing?" I demand of my brother as he runs around our fields with his shawl billowing out behind him.

"I'm trying to fly!" He exclaims.

"It doesn't seem to be working." I observed.

"No...." He came to a panting stop in front of me. "Maybe if I used your magic shawl instead!" He reached a pudgy hand towards it.

I stepped back and clutched my shawl protectively. It was my prized possession, no way I was letting a boy who was only six moons old touch it,

The shawl wasn't magic, if that's what you're thinking Scout. Perié only thought it was because I had gotten it from a traveling gypsy. Also because it was so remarkable. I had never known what the fabric was made of, only that it was soft as silk and seemed to keep me toasty in the winter, yet it was thin enough to be worn in the summer.

"No way Perié!" I shook my head. "You'll ruin it!"

"Will not Avaká!" He whined, reaching for the soft blue-green fabric.

Thankfully, I was fourteen moons of age, so I was too tall for him to reach when I held it away.

"Come on! I wanna fly!"

"Well my shawl won't help you with that! Besides, even if you did fly, you'd crash into something!"

"I will not!" He shouted, angry that I doubted his 'abilities.'

He gave a rather impressive jump and managed to land a tiny hand on my shawl. He gave a yank with the strength only an angry toddler has, spinning me around with the force of it.

The damp spring air hit my arms instantly. Perié let out a victorious 'Ha!' before running for his life.

"Why you little mongrel!" I ran after him. It was times like these I was grateful my family wasn't noble. I found walking in dresses difficult when Mama made me where them. I'd hate to have to chase the little mongrel in one.

No, I was content with my simple spring wear: cotton trousers and cotton shirt, along with my mud shoes, and up until recently, my shawl.

What's that Scout? I'm getting off topic? Oh. Sorry Scout.

Where was I?

"Stop that mongrel!" I shouted to no one in particular as I wove my way down Main Street. Trifecta was such a small province, why did it get so crowded whenever I needed to go somewhere?

I chased that boy all the way to the cliff face. It was a sheer drop down to the sea, I'd seen some of the older kids jumping off fro a thrill, but Mama always forbade me from joining them.

"Perié!" I shouted, worry seeping past my anger. Before I could catch him, he ran right off the edge of the cliff.

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