♣Chapter 9♣

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~ At the morning ~

Sam's POV:

I woke up and saw Taurtis sleeping next to me with his arms wraped around my waist, I gently moved them away and tip toed to the door.

I went downstairs and made myself a peanut butter jelly sandwich and some orange juice.

I finished eating and saw Taurtis coming down the stairs and he sleepy said
"Morning..." then he came to where I wass and gave me a quick kiss "Morning" I said with a smile.

"Why did you decide to come here at the middle of the night?" I asked him and he rubed his neck "Well, 'cause... I couldn't wait to see my Bunny boy" He said with a smile, I noded and he started making himself some breakfast

*Buzz Buzz*

'It might be my boss' I thought as grabed my phone amd checked the messeges
"Hey Sam. Don't forget about your job, just reminding you"
It said the messege and I replied "I'm on it, I got rid of 3 of them, just another 3 and i'll be done" Then I left my phone where it was.

- Time Skip -

Taurtis just left and I was laying in bed alone
'Maybe I should finish the list' I thought to myself as I took the list out
The List:

'Well, just invader, paulblart and jts to finish' I said as I left the list on the bed and I stood up and went downstairs.

I went to the kitchen and grabed a sharp knife and my jacket, then I went to the front door and I left as I closed it behind me.

I had a few pictures of them that my boss sent me last night, so it will be easy.
First it will be paulblart, then JTS and for last and not least invader.

I saw Paul standing infront of the shop so I went there,
I taped his shoulder and he looked at me "Could you please come with me?" I said with some fake teary eyes he slowly noded and said
"Yes" then I started walking with him following me from behind.

A few blocks away from the store, I took him to a alleyway and while he was searching for something I stabed him in the chest, trying to hit the heart.

He look at me with confussion and fear in his eyes and before he could even say something I stabed him again and again until he was finally dead.

I took out my phone and took a picture of the corpse to send it to my boss. I grabed the corpse and dumped it in a dumpster that was in there and before someone could see me I left.

- At his house -

I took off my clothes and changed into my pijamas since it was REALLY late.

I send the picture to my boss waiting for an asnwer, until he replied
Boss: Good job, keep like that and I will pay you like I said
I turned off my phone and went to sleep.

- The Next Day -

I woke up by the sound of someone knocking my door, so I woke up and went downstairs to open it
'I bet its Taurtis' I thought as I opened the door.

"Hey Sam!" Chan said as she smiled 'What?! Chan?!' I thought as she came in
"How do you know where I live!?" I asked her as she closed the door behind
"oooh Sam, if you only knew~..." She said as she came closer to me and I slowly started walking backwards "W-what should I-I k-knew?" I asked with a bit of fear then she placed her hand on my cheek and started rubing it "That I-"
She was cuted of by another knock on the door "I'll go get the-" I said as I was cutted of by her "Maybe it's not important" She said and I grabed her hand and tried to pull it away from my face but failed

Knock! Konck!

With her other hand she grabed both of my hands and leaned closer to me, she was inches apart my face and I tried what I could to be free but I miserably failed.


She finally got close enough and kissed me and I treid desesperatly to pull part but she didn't let me, then I heard the door open and I saw it was the one and only
Taurtis, he looked at us shocked while I was still trying to pull apart and when we finally pulled apart I took a deep breath and Chan stood there smirking.

Taurtis' P.O.V:

I entered my bunny's house and when I saw him with chan kissing I was shocked
'What the hell?!' I thought as my hands turned into fists,
I saw Sam strugling to pull her apart, when they finally pulled apart Sam took a deep breath while Chan just stood there Smirking, I went to where she was and punched her in the face then she looked at me while rubing her cheek, where I  punched her, the she said "Why did you do that? Its not like you two are going out or anything" 'Damit! I forgot that no one knows about us'
I thought as I stood there silent "Well?!" She said, "For your information..." I said and then went to where sam was and kissed him on the lips passionatly for a few seconds then I pulled apart and said "We are dating" she looked shocked at me and said "Taurtis, the most popular kid in school is going out with the new student?!" I noded and she looked at me with rage "Well" she took out her phone "What if everyone knew about?" In the screen was the picture of us kissing
and I said "You wouldn't dare!" and she was about to press the botton send and said "How about we make a deal?" I thought 'Maybe I could do the deal and tomorrow during lunch tell everyone about me and Sam'
then I sighted and said "Whats the deal?" she looked at me "Don't ever touch Sam again and I wont tell anyone about you two, even though you wont have to worry it later" She said and I answered "Alright" Sam looked shocked at me "We have a deal" She turned off the phone and evily smiled,
I looked at Sam who was shocked at me and I winked at him, giving him a signal that It wasn't for real and then he calmed a bit
"Well, how about you leave me and Sam alone?" She said and I went to the door without saying a word and left, and with 'left' I mean I will watch them by the backjard window.

I couldn't hear a word of what they said, but I saw chan attempting to kiss Sam but in the mayority she failed.

She inyected Sam with something on his neck, then he fell to the floor and she started dragging him to the door, So without her noticing I followed her.

That's the end of this chapter! Hope you liked it!
Sorry if you didn't :(
and See ya in my next chapter!
Bye bye! ~♥
Words: 1213

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