★Chapter 2★

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Taurtis' P.O.V:

Me and Sam headed upstairs to the gym. Since Rowan let us have the day free I'm going to try to be friends with Sam. "Hey Sam" I said
"Yes.....?" He said very shyly
"Wanna play on the swing?"
I said and he just smiled and noded "A race to the swing!"
I said while starting to run.
Then I notice Sam runing after me, 'wow hes fast...'
I thought. When I looked he was already at the swings!.

"Your pretty fast!" I said
"Thanks, I guess?" He said while sitting in the swing.
"Wait a minute, im going to get something" I said and he noded

Sam's P.O.V:

"Wait a minute, im going to get something" He said and I just noded while watching him leave. Someone with a purple hat comes near me and says "You must be the new student, right?" He said while smiling evily, I just nod. Sunddely he grabs me by the shirt and says "Well listen, I don't like your kind being around so why don't you just leave, okay?" He said "No...." I whisper
"What did you said?!" He said while raising his hand ready to punch me
"I said No!" I yelled and he punched me, making my nose bleed a little.

"I tried being nice, guess you like the hard way, dont you?" He said again while punching my stomach making me fall to the ground
'Get rid of him' My insane part said, "No I can't, they will know..." I said to myself
"Hey, I didn't punch you that hard to make you ilusionate" He said while grabing me by the shirt again. 'Guess If you don't do it, I will', "Don't!" I told 'myself' again but it was too late...
My eyes turned into a blood red color and my teeth got sharp. The purple hat kid threw me to the ground scared and said "WHAT THE HELL?!?!" I got up and said
"You said that you liked the hard way, didn't you?"
I said while giving him a creepy smile and his eyes just looked in fear.

He tried to run but I catch him and lifted him up by his shirt just like he did with me
"Don't be such a coward..."
I said taking out a knife...?
'Hey!! From where did you get that knife?!' My normal me said but I just ignored him and I throw the kid to the floor making him not able to stand up and I quickly cut a part of his arm making him bleed
"Want more?" I said and he just shrook his head and I smile in a very evelish way.

"Goodbye" I said while raising my knife. When i'm just centimeters from his heart I stop by a yell
"SAM!!!" I tuened around and see Taurtis looking at me with a little bit of fear and I just say "Oh, Hey taurtis!"
He just comes closer and looks at the purple hat kid
"Dom, what did you do this time?!" He said to Dom
"What?! It's mostly what he did to me!!!" He said
"Yeah, but he didn't do it because he wanted too" Taurtis said while softly pushing me behind him and my eyes turn brown again and my teeth now are normal.

Dom just stand up and Taurtis told him "Don't dare hurting Sam ever again or else" and Dom in fear just noded and left runing.

Taurtis' P.O.V:

"Wait a minute, im going to get something" I said and he just noded. I went to the back of school to meet someone that will help me
"Hello Taurtis, I was waiting for you" ????? Said
"Hi, do you have what I asked you?" I said
"Here" ????? said while giving me a bottle
"Thanks" I said and just left.
I went back to gym area and I saw Sam just about to stab Dom 'Well, well, well, Guess this makes things more fun'
I thought and I went to where Sam was and
I pretended to be a little scared "SAM!!!", He turned around and says
"Oh, Hey taurtis!"
I come closer to him and I look at Dom "Dom, what did you do this time?!" I said
"What?! It's mostly what he did to me!!!" He said
"Yeah, but he didn't do it because he wanted too"
Dom just stand up and I tell him "Don't dare hurting San ever again or else" He just nods and leaves runing.
I look at Sam and I tell him
"Don't worry, I'll protect you"
I smile at him and he smiles back
-Ring Ring-
"Wanna come over to my place?" I ask him "Sure" Sam says with a very bright smile
"First let me go get my stuff"
I say to him "Okay, I'll wait for you at the entrance" He says and I just nod
'Im going to try to not take long, I don't wanna make my bunny boy wait' I thought while walking to my locker.
When I got back I didn't saw Sam 'did he left?' I thought and then I saw him sitting on the ground and I sight.

"Lets go" I tell him and he stands up and smiles.
When we arrive to my home we go in and I lock the door making sure that they won't be any thiefs breaking in or something, "Nice place" Sam says "Thanks ^^, wanna watch some HunterXHunter?" I said and he nods
~ 4 hours later ~
"It's getting pretty dark outside, maybe I should leave" Sam says while standing up,
"No don't leave!" I said while grabing his hand "I won't let you go outside at this hour, you can stay to sleep here"
I say and he pulls his hand away from and says "O-okay"
I smile at him.
I hand him one of my spare pijamas and he goes to my room to change. I have the tentation to peek a little but no! Or maybe yes? Just a little peek won't hurt anyone

Sam's P.O.V:

I went to Taurtis' room to get changed into the spare pijama he gave me.
I close the and Start taking off my shirt and pants, leaving me in boxers.
Suddenly Taurtis comes in
"Hey Sam, sorry I forgot to te-" He said and blushed when he noticed that I was in boxers "TAURTIS!!!" I yell at him while covering myself with a blancket
"S-sam don't worry were both boys, by the way I forgot to tell you since I only have one bed you will sleep in the couch" He said
"Okay, but next time knock the door before coming" I said to him a bit annoyed
And he just rolls his eyes and says "Okay".
I came out his room and somehow Taurtis was already in his pijamas
"I left a pillow and a blancket at the couch, If you need something else just wake me up okay?",
"Okay, night night~"
"Good Night my bunny boy"
'Did he called my bunny boy?'
I went to yhe couch and covered myself with the blancket
~ Dream ~
I was in a room tied up to a chair and everything was dark, suddenly the light turns on and a anonymoud person comes near me
"What do you want?!" I said
"You..." He said and he got closer to me
"Ive been watchig you for a while now, you know?"
"My bunny boy, so innocent as always, finally... I can have you all to myself" He said as he got even more closer
"What are you going to do?!"
"Something I wanted to do for a while now" he comes to me and kisses me. Out of nowere he gets out a knife and puts it near my neck and says
"Don't even try to leave me,
You are mine weather you like it or not" he said

~ Wakes up ~

"AH!" I yelled "it was just a bad dream..." I told myself
Since it was the first time that I didn't sleep with
Mr.snugglemuffin's I guess im going to have nightmares
'Oh well... guess I can sleep with Taurtis to don't feel so lonely' I went to Taurtis' room and softly shake him
"Taurtis..." I said and he wake up "yes sam?"
"Can I sleep with you, im having nightmares"
"Sure" He said while moving a bit, leaving a space for me.

~ At morning ~

I woke up and I found myself cuddling with a sleeping Taurtis. I try to get away from him but he hugs me while sleeping so I decide to stay were I was and continue sleeping.

Thats the end of the chapter :3 hope you liked it

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