The popular kids

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I walked into school with Nick. He said" Are you ready?" I said" Nick. Let's do this." We walked to the office first. The secretary said" My name is Ms. Tammy. I'll be the secretary. I'll have two kids walk up here and show you around." I said" Thank you." She smiled and nodded. She said" Can you please send Mitchell and Jasmine here please. Okay thank you." She put the phone thingy down and said" Take a seat please." We sat down. Nick said" Do you think you'll like it here?" I said" Yeah. I think I will." My phone rang. I said" Hey cutie!" He said" Hey babe. How are you? Are you nervous?" I said" I'm fine and I am nervous. Thanks for caring about me still. It hurts to be away from you right now." He said" Babe. Stay on call with me and I'll help you through it. Call me after every class okay. If anybody says your not beautiful or cute remember I think you are." I said" Mark. I have to go. The people are gonna show us around school now." He said" Bye love you!" I said" Love you too!" We ended the call. The two students walked inside. Tammy said" Mitchell you'll have the girl and Jasmine will have the young man right there. She pointed to me first then Nick. Nick said" Good luck." I said" I told Mark I'll call him after every class just so he can ask me questions about it. He gets boring sometimes." He smirked and said" Your dating him!" I said" He is really sweet." Nick rolled his eyes and said" Whatever. I heard the way he talks to you. I hack into the other phone at the house and I listen to the conversation!" I said" Just go right now! I have to go find the classes with Mitch!" We walked away. Mitch said" I'm Mitch as you know. What's your name?" I said" I'm (Y/N) and I'm a youtuber." He said" Cool. I heard the boy said something about your boyfriend. What's his name?" I said" His name is Mark Fishbock." He said" Cool. Anyway. Are you and the boy you was with twins?" I said" Yeah. He is a few minutes older though." My phone rang. I said" Mark! What now?" He said" I'm going to Ireland with Jack." I said" Okay. Go and visit Jack in Ireland. I don't care. Your best friends! See ya and tell Jack I said hi. Also... SEPTIPLIER AWAY!" Mark laughed and said" Okay! That's it. No more septiplier facts for you!" I said" I'm not the one who kissed my best friend!" He said" Yeah. You kinda did!" I said" Your a boy! Keeley is a girl and Preston will kill you Mark!" He said" Babe. I'm just kidding. Also... Before I go to Ireland I'm coming to see you." I said" Why are you coming to Canada? Go to Jack first Mark. He really misses you because I got over 50 texts of him asking about you and stuff. I actually think when we get older.. Jack will gamely purpose to you. Just to make the fangirls go crazy." He said" Yeah. About that." I said" Mark. What did you do know?" He said" I broke my glasses." I said" You broke your glasses? How?!" He said" I kept running into a wall!" I said" That's why you don't try to kiss the wall!" He said" I have to go! I'm getting introuble babe!" I said" Mark!" I heard a voice said" Hello again (Y/N)." I said" Hey Mrs.Hall." She ended the call. I broke out laughing. I said" MARK! Got in trouble!" Nick and Jasmine walked up. Nick said" Calm down or you'll have an asthma attack." I said" Mark got in trouble and Mrs.Hall took his phone and we said hi! You know how I was popular over there?" Nick said" Yeah?" I said" I told her of Mark got in trouble to call me. I don't even remember how she got my number. I didn't give it to her." Nick said" I know who did." I said" Nick! You didn't tell me! Who?!" He said" Who is your other guy best friend? Other than Jack?" I said" Tyler." He nodded. My phone rang again. I said" Hello?" The person said" Is this (Y/N)?" I said" Yeah. Who are you?" He said" I'm somebody from the jail in Ohio." I said" Please hold right now." I put my phone down. Nick said" Who is it?" I said" Either a cop OR a jail mate. Remember when we sent Gavin to jail?" He said" Yeah?" I said" I think it's him." He said" Phone now!" I gave him the phone. He said" GAVIN! Why the fuck and how the hell did you get this number? What? I don't believe you! She isn't that stupid! Don't fucking call my sister stupid! Gavin! Your parents fucking hate you because you was a trouble maker! You threatened to kill Mark! Somebody so dear to (Y/N)! You would hurt her. I'm calling Mike. Your 22! You was our babysitter as a kid!" He hung up and dialed Mike's number. I said" Nick. What did he say?" Nick said" He told me you gave him your number! Did you?" I said" Nick. I didn't. I swear. You know how badly it scared me!" He hugged me and said" Easy sis. You might loose your phone for a couple days unless somebody told him your number." I said" Jackson is in prison and he knew my number! He was 18!" Nick hugged me and said" It'll be okay. Jackson was your best friend. Then he became a stalker and stalked Jay's girl!" I said" Don't speak of Jay." He said" Hey Mike! Can you go to prison? Up to the jail because guess who just called. Yeah and Jackson told him the number. I'll see to it that her number is changed and she only tells people she trusts with her life." I froze and he kept talking. I said" I tried to save Christina that way. Then... She committed suicide. Remember." I had my head down. Nick looked at me. He said" Sis. It's okay. I promise. That'll never happen again." I said" I watched her die. I was only 8!" He said" I know. I was too. She was an adult though." I said" My first best friend I had. Then she commits suicide and Ricky and I aren't friends anymore be side I told him I was dating Mark and he called me a lier. We argued! Then we ended the friendship." He said" Remember. You have a lot more." I said" I have to go on tour during the summer." Nick looked at me. He said" Why?!" I said" it wasn't my decision! It was Dakota's! Then I am going with two other boys! Dakota told me to get along with them! I'm like.. I don't even know them!" Nick said" Calm down! You'll over do it!" I said" Nick. Do you remember that?!" Nick said" Sis!" He hugged me. He said" Talk! Continue talking!" I said" Remember the bully I had before?" He said" Mika? Yeah. What about her?" I said" Nick. Can you please hand me my hoodie? The big one so I can hide in?" He gave me the hoodie and I put it on. I covered my face. Mika walked up and said" Nick! You finally left that loser of a sister of yours!" Mitch said" Mika! Be nice!" Nick said" Hello again Mika." She said" I Love you cutie!" I heard Nick say" I don't love you Mika. I never will. I am dating somebody right now. My sister is too." She said" Who?" Nick said" Your most favorite person in the whole Ohio school... Mark Fishbock." She said" Oh! I remember him. Total hottie! Why would he be dating that skank of a sister?" Nick said" I have had it with you!" I heard the anger. I pulled the hood down and stopped him. I said" Nick. Calm down." Mika said" Oh great the bitch is here too." I said" Listen here. Call me what you want but never talk about Mark or my brother like that." She smirked and said" What about little Jackie?" I said" Leave him alone. You never met him. You don't know how badly he is right now. Some girl he was dating broke his heart and I'm not there to help him. Mika. I have a question for you." She said" What's that?" I said" Well Mika. I was wondering... What do you think about this?" I gave her the middle finger. She gasped and said" No! My make up is gonna smear!" I said" Aww! You wanna look good so you can finally get a girlfriend!" She said" Shut up!" I said" Sorry but... I don't care little bitch. Second... Mika. Remember how Mark chose me over you?" She nodded crying. I said" Hell never leave me for you! I mean seriously. Gavin an you would be perfect together. I'll hook you up with him." She said" Picture?" I showed her a picture and she said" Damn! He sexy!" I said" Have fun! I'll tell Mike about it. Also.. He is a prisoner." She said" thank girl!" I said" Fuck off now!" She left. Nick said" Woah! You never did that before!" I said" I got sick and tired of her." Nick smiled and said" My little sister is growing up!" I said" I hooked her up with a 22 year old now." Sh came back and said" Why didn't you tell me he was 22! Now I'm dating a fuckin pervert!" I said" at here is Cylus! He is older than you!" She said" No! I'm fine with my love life. Stay in yours and Marks." Her phone rang. She said" Markipoo!" I gripped my phone tighter. Nick said" Calm down. No bad first impression." She said" Aww! I love you too sexy!" I said" Nick. Get me out of here." He picked me up and walked outside to a tree. I punched the ducking tree. My knuckles started to bleed. Mitch and Jasmine ran out. Mitch said" What was that about?" I hid my knuckles behind my back so they couldn't see. Nick couldn't either." Nick said" You didn't hurt your hands did you?" I said" Let's see! I punched a tree as hard as I could. What do you think?!" He said" It's your first day and you already hurt yourself. New record." My phone rang. I said" Hey Mark." He said" Babe. Jack is really upset and I don't know how to handle this without you." I sighed and said" I'll be there tomorrow. Okay! Tell Jack to stay alive and calm down till I get there. Take away every single sharp object in the house. Make sure he records and you also. Take care of our Jackaboy!" He said" Yes ma'am!" I heard Jack scream" Why?!" I ended the call. Nick said" Well?" I said" Jack has gotten worse. Mark told me o have to be there tomorrow or day after tomorrow." Nick said" Okay." I said" I'll be at his house okay. Is that okay with you Nick?" He nodded. I said" I'll be alone in a house with Mark and Jack. Jacks parents are out of town." He said" Okay. I don't see a problem." He realized I'll be alone with them. He said" If they try anything with you tell me. I'll hurt them!" I said" Okay. I have to go pack for about a week or so. I'll make Jack and Mark go to school there. I'll have to tell the school there I'm Jack's cousin." He nodded and he said" Go ahead and go home and pack. I'll handle your work." I said" Okay thanks!" I left and went home and packed I slept and got up st 1 in the morning and went to my flight. I arrived in Ireland.

The trouble maker a Mitch x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang