Ch.16 \Life Size Barbie\

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Alexis's pov

I sighed knowing my minutes of happiness were running short I had to go to lunch with Elliot and my father along with some elders my only reason for being there was to serve as eye candy and to break any awkward tension

A real life Barbie

I wiped under my eye removing any unwanted makeup I fluttered my lashes and groaned as my eyes watered from the black water line I had applied

I huffed pulling on a black dress

I sighed looking at the picture on the tag of the model wearing it I looked nothing like her my bum didn't stand out as much, my chest made the section of fabric under it hang lose until it got tight again on my lower stomach which was the wrong p...

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

I sighed looking at the picture on the tag of the model wearing it I looked nothing like her my bum didn't stand out as much, my chest made the section of fabric under it hang lose until it got tight again on my lower stomach which was the wrong part to be tight on if I hadn't been wearing a corset I'd look 'unfit' to be a princess in the words of my father

I checked my phone one more time for a message from Harry I sighed and put on my choker and walked out

I sighed seeing them both talking and laughing at the end of the stairs

I death glared them both all the times my father had joked, called him an egoistical maniac, and much much worse but now my father sucked up to Elliot as if Elliot had his life in the palm of his hand

They looked at me "you don't look much like a princess" my father stated looking me over

"She looks fine I like the dress honey" Elliot tried to suck up but I wasn't having it

"Can we stop some where? I'm craving Starbucks" I asked walking right through them

"Good idea you'll have something to hold your mouth shut" I gasped and turned looking at my father he didn't even flinch he kept walking passing me

I stumped and followed behind them I frowned when Elliot kept walking with us instead of going to his car

"Elliot your car is over there" I pointed to the left reminding him he nodded looking at it

"It is but I'm to be Prince I ride in a limo" I gagged hearing him call himself Prince my status was now stained because of him "get in your sitting with me" he gestured me in I smiled

"I'd rather walk" I turned to walk around the limo and grabbed my forearm

"Get in the limo before I do something you'll regret" I yanked back my arm how dare he

"I swear to god Elliot I'd kill you right now I'd tie you to the chimney and sip lemonade till the sun comes up and burns you to ash" I snarled if my eyes could turn red they'd be Crimson

I got in and sat on the opposite side of my father Elliot got in and of course sat next to me


Eyes like Mine {H.S} जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें