Ch.9 |In Love with a Princess|

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Before this CH begins I'd like to thank any and all readers specially one who's read almost all my books this chapter is dedicated to serenity_love33
As always I love to hear from everyone and enjoy the chapter

(Picture above is Elliot)

Alexis's pov

Harry: Please answer me love


Harry:I Love you please you're my mate answer me

Harry: Alexis even if you are a princess we can work this out please!

I read a few messages out of the hundreds he'd send daily and I listened to his pleading voice mails I wanted to call him I wanted to text him but I just couldn't

"You still smell of dog" I jumped when my father stepped in

"Dad w-why didn't you knock?" I put my phone face down on my lap "what's wrong?" I pressed my back against the black fabric of my decorative chair

He sat on my bed rubbing his hand on the boho maroon, black, and gray patterned comforter "some times I worry your too dark always wearing black I mean I understand what we are but you could try being a tad cheerier my dear, your mother was always so cheery"

I hated how he always used her as a tool against me Alexis your mother wouldn't approve...., Avery wouldn't have done that... ,why can't you be more like your mother she would have...

I can't recall anything about her I only know how she looks from a painting my father had commissioned of them

"I prefer how I am" I tried to sound nice

"Well that's not why I came in here it's because your my little princess's and your going to be a queen one day and what do you need to be a queen?" He spoke in his almost too calm and too monotone voice

"The crown and a ceremony?" I cocked an eyebrow

He nodded "well yes but I meant a king you need a king"

I frowned "I don't need a king"

He chuckled "of course you do remember a lot of our members have been around during the time of kings and queens and queens aren't as powerful as kings so what would make them listen to you?" He smiled sweetly as if he hadn't just said that to and about his own daughter "you couldn't be taken seriously

I gasped and stood up "well if they don't listen then they will be exiled from the court I can and will be taken seriously for I do not make void threats I make promises of brutal and utter destruction for those who have it coming" I death glared him

He stood up too "well be that as it may I've accepted Elliot's request to have a courtship with you he'll be in here this afternoon and he enjoys the courtship he has your hand"

I went wide eyed "y-you can't be for real dad I've told you I hate him ...w-we made jokes about him together"

He kissed my forehead "yes I know but his blood with yours is perfect"

"You're BREEDING ME?!" I screamed frustrated

"I would never call it that but if that's how you view this then yes" he still held his monotone voice which dangerously close to making me snap

"Can you just leave me alone please?" He laughed

"Sure but when Elliot comes you're going to let him in and talk to him"

I cocked an eyebrow "Yeah sure" I was beyond sarcastic but my dad accepted my answer and left

I looked for something anything I could grab and throw I went for my phone ,knowing my life proof case would do more damage to my wall than to my phone

I jumped when I heard a little tick of something hitting glass I spun around hissed I frowned I didn't see anything at my balcony door I jumped seeing a little rock hit my sliding door

I scrunched my eyebrows together I stepped out "Elliot? Elliot please go away I don't like you" I looked around

"baby girl it's daddy" I gasped and leaned over the cement balcony ledge I saw him standing there

"HARRY?! HARRY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! HOW DID YOU FINE ME?!" I half harshly talked and yelled

He smirked "back up my princess" I groaned and backed up he took a few steps back I gasped as he ran and jumped his hands, his claws digging into the cement he hauled himself up and jumped on me

I gasped he grabbed me and kissed me "Harry!" He nibbled my lip I smirked

"I love you, I love you don't leave me, don't leave me stay, stay mine, mine, mine" he pulled away kissing my neck "I need my princess" he held me down still

"Harry I'm sorry I just I didn't know what to do..." He nodded and he rubbed my bangs from out of my face "how did you ever find me? I thought I didn't have a smell "

"I followed the scent of your perfume" he was so excited and cheery if he had a tail it'd be wagging like crazy

I shook my head "Harry you can't be here" I frowned "I'm sorry but if they smell you I'll be a goner, you'll be a goner, and our relationship is lost"

"W-well then you can come away with me Ple-" he snapped his head up looking at my bedroom door "someone is coming"

I got up "come get in my closet" I grabbed him shoving him in I grabbed my cupcake perfume and sprayed him "I'm sorry I love you" he rolled his nose around batting at it

"It's so strong" he whined

"I know I know I'm sorry" I closed the door I jumped when he walked in

"Hey princess" Elliot peeked in smirking

"H-Hey" I forced a smile

"M- My god what smells?" I groaned my lip twitching "I mean um it's like sweet and nasty muggy"

"Well You caught me in the middle of a fight remember? I haven't gotten the smell off yet" he nodded

"You've hear the good news then? We're to be married" Elliot smiled

I made an angry smile "ooo I'll make your life a living hell" he chucked of course thinking I was joking he went to kiss me I turned my head making an awkward jaw-chin kiss

"I would like to take you for a date tonight" he ran an hands through his hair trying to make a sexy face

"I'd rather not Elliot... Ever" he nodded

"Then I'll take you tomorrow" he went to grab my hand I pulled it away from his reach he glared slightly

"No I'm busy tomorrow" I rubbed off the spot where he kissed

"I'll come get you tomorrow" he repeated turning away walking out

My back spasmed when there was a sudden touch but I smiled knowing who is was

"That's him?" I could feel the vibrations of Harry's chest against my back as he deeply chuckled "I could Happily tear him limb from limb" his warm breath washed over my ear he used his thumb to wipe the spot he kissed as well

"You're mine" he kissed my neck

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