Ch.1 \You're Next-Princess\

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Alexis's pov

I closed my eyes as I walked through the castle my heels clicking and echoing and the long cape dragged behind my beautiful, elegant red dress that was styled as if I were queen

I was the prime physical age of 19 and I'd stay 19 forever my chest was rather large double D and my hair was semi-long and brown, my skin tone ,different from any other born vampire, was caramel, I was... Large pushing 170 pounds but I wore it well no one place had too much fluff I had a slight stomach prompting me to always have on a corset, I had a small nose that was evenly proportioned to my face, longish eye lashes, with full pouting lips

This castle doesn't belong to me or even my father this castle belonged to a royal blooded member of our society he allowed us to hold meetings here at night when he stopped touring, my father and I actually lived in a normal house

The castle was full of wax figures staged doing labor and replicas of the furniture and decorations from the mid-evil era those figures gave me the creeps I hate wax figures

I walked into the throne room reopening my eyes everyone was seating in rows they all turned to watch me walk in I held my back stiff to hold my crown on my head, my chest puffed out, and hands folded

I sat in the queen's throne I smiled at the vampires as a sign of good faith but frowned deeply when Elliot ,the bastard half blood son of the vampire with Royal blood, came to stand by me

Elliot was born of his father and his human cleaning woman ,she died in child birth and he was left with his father, he had a slight obsession with me and I had no intention to even fake an interesting him

"my lord?" One of the leaders from a different sector stood my father turned

My father was in his late 1,000's, but he had aged due to an injury from a wolf they had clawed him across the face causing him to look as if he were in his mid-40's he was 6'2 and pale , given the name of Edmund, he also wore a king's crown and Royal attire

"Yes?" He addressed him

"My lord we've had several wolf sightings near our land we don't know if they've found us or if they are only prowling but they are much too close for comfort"

My father nodded "I understand Sir Wells if they come any closer inform me and I'll send a hunting team" he nodded and sat back down

"My lord" another man rose from the left back corner "it is my duty to report to you that our home land has had an attack"

I cocked an eyebrow I admit we did live near the woods, near one of their dens but they've never been foolish enough to make an attack on our nest

"Where?" My father asked his tone was pissy

"Near the far north side" I lived in the southern west side of our sector

"What prompted the attack? How many were killed?" My father cocked an eyebrow his brown eyes turning red

"We don't know exactly what happened but 4 houses were completely slaughtered and ransacked we've found remains of 20 people"

"Our team shall be sent to that side tomorrow night for a look out to have those wolves put in their place" my father nodded assuredly

"Not to question you my lord but, how will they not also be killed?" He was only slightly snippy

"I will personally be there" I answered quickly "I am, as we all know, part of our hunters to eliminate these pests and my top men and women will be with me It is ridiculous that these... These hounds think they can come into our homes ,Our blood land, and kill our people this has always been our territory since our forefathers and since their's our land has expended in given areas and so has their's but to attack that sector of all others they shall pay with their lives"

I saw many satisfied faces "thank you my princess I am most reassured knowing my safety is in your hands" he bowed and sat down

Elliot looked at me and smiled I stayed facing away from him knowing I'd become sick if I kept my gaze on him for too long

"I think that's it for tonight the sun will be rising in a few hours and I know we all need time to return home" my father stood dismissing himself and everyone else I got up and followed him everyone waited till we were nearly down the hall before rising and following behind us

Rhythmic steps flooded the hallway the echo of thuds of the men's dress shoes and my lone pair of heels

I got into our limo with my father he smiled at me "you are a natural born leader my dear sweet fangs" I huffed at my childhood nickname

"Your mother would be exceedingly proud, Avery wouldn't have liked the fighting but she'd have to approve knowing how amazing you are at it" he rubbed my cheek "it isn't very lady like I'm sure that's displease her as well you do need to work on being more feminine sweet fang"

"Thank you dad and yes dad Ill try if that makes you happy" I shrugged "I wish I could remember her" I sighed he nodded

"I know I-I wish I could have saved her but..." He felt over his 3 scars "there was s-so many wolves I-I was only lucky to have even saved my baby" he smiled at me "my little sweet fang"

"I know father you've always told me" I said very softly he smiled

"Always remember who your real enemies are my sweet fang"

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