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I could feel it, the eyes- the eyes that belonged to something evil. They were cold, precise and only for me.

I couldn't remember the last time I felt peaceful in my own bed. At one point I started to lock every door, close every blind and curse myself for being a hermit while I waited anxiously for the sun to break the horizon.

However, the eyes never left.

The chattering voices in my ear were all the more radiant while they called out a name that was other from my own.

Repeated in hushed quiet musical notes, luring me into the darkness of the unknown.

You see, I was never one to live life on the edge and jump in hopes that chance would be in my favor.

But such logic was demolished when cold fingertips drummed against my spine, coaxing me to jump into the deep end even though I didn't know how to swim.

I then only had to muster up just enough strength to pull away from dark thoughts, soon learning that the voices only cojuled such notions to weed out to weak.

Or at least he did.

If I were to give the precious soul to come follow my steps advice...

I'd beg for her to not ever learn his name.

- From the anonymous

Scarlet Night (Attack on Titan X Reader) {Vampire AU}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora