"Alix stop I know this isn't you. Just take it easy okay? The professor said you might be...different." Just as I said that I saw a look in Alix's eyes I hadn't seen before. I took a small step back.

"He would know wouldn't he?" He said with an inexpressive tone and his eyes glazed, stripped of all emotion. "What? You think he's not in your head too? Look at you Scott, he's tamed you." He whispered coldly.

"He said he looked inside your mind and that you have something else inside of you. An alter ego that's stored in your subconscious." I said to him as he looked around confused.

"Wh-where am I?" He asked paranoid in a more familiar tone.

"Alix, you're in the professor's lab." I explained with his face held gently in the grip of my hands. "Do you know the name of this alter ego he's talking about?"

"Oh god." He whispered as he closed his eyes. The screws in the machine next to him began to unscrew quickly. "Phoenix." He whispered so low I almost couldn't hear.

"Alix stay with me." I said as I continued to hold his face to soothe him.

"No." He whispered with his eyes shut tightly, telekinetically wrecking the room.

"Focus Alix, focus."

"Kill me." He looked at me with tears streaming down his face. He was aware of his inability to control his emotions which was the scope of his power.

"What?" I asked him squinting my eyes with disbelief.

"Kill me before I kill someone else." The doors to the medicine cabinets began to open and close rapidly and the machine next to us violently shook. "Please."

"No Alix stop, don't say that." 

"Kill me." He looked at me with anger instead of sadness. The medicine cabinets shattered and the machine next to us toppled over and broke into pieces. 

"Alix it's okay the professor can help, he can fix it." I stared at him unable to grant his wish.

"I don't wanna fix it." He hissed with a distorted voice and completely dilated eyes. I saw my reflection in the darkness of his black eyes for a second until I was hurled high against the wall and fell to the floor. Alix stood up and everything close to him got pushed aside. As he made his way to the large metal door it bent in half and flew far down the hall.

A few moments later the professor wheeled in. He paused for a moment. "I warned you, Scott." He said sternly. He closed his eyes. "He's trying to block my thoughts. He's so strong."

"How come he couldn't do this before?"

"I told you I sealed away his more advanced powers. Being connected to Cerebro must have shattered those psychic barriers I created as it accessed his subconscious. I knew I should have rebuilt them when I had the chance." He wheeled towards the window. "And now the beast is loose."

Magneto P.O.V.

"I picked something up, an electromagnetic force. Its a mutant, Class 5, stronger than anything I've ever felt. Even stronger than you." Rushed out Sirena, one of my brotherhood members with exceptional echolocation capabilities. 

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