Chapter 7

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Gosh, it took you guys long enough to reach SIX FRICKIN READS. How long has it been since I posted last? THANKSGIVING?! Ugh, you readers confuzzle me...


Hiiiiiiiii! It's Flaming_Rose24 here! 

Ellie: And Ellie!

Eli: And Eli!

Yes, yes, yes, you guys are here too. But anyways, welcome back to another chapter! HOPEFULLY *glares at characters* There won't be any breaking of the fourth wall in this chapter, but I guess ya never know when your CHARACTERS *glares again* decide to take a sledgehammer to it... *cough cough* Ellie and Eli *cough cough* 

Ellie & Eli: Hey! It wasn't on purpose!

Uh huh, suuuuure... 

Ellie: No need for sarcasm.

Eli: Yeah!

Fourth-Wall-Repairman: Are you guys gonna break the Fourth Wall during this chapter? Because if you are, I'm hanging out here for awhile... *sips soda*

I think you'd better stay.......... Ya never know when these kids are gonna blow up our poor fourth wall. I mean, it's been destroyed several hundred times PER CHAPTER!!! How many times have I rewritten this chapter now? 

Fourth Wall: This is re-write #103.


FW: Obviously, otherwise I would be silent right now. 

Oooookay.......... But yeah, apparently its re-write number one-oh-three, so yeaaaaaaaaaah.... Anyways, Imma get to writing the chapter AGAIN, so bye-bye! 




Eli's POV


"Where are we?" I asked as I rubbed my head.

"UMMMMMM...." Was the only response I got from Ellie.

"Is this Truth?" I wasn't scared, merely curious.

"Yes, it is. And thank you for opening it so that I may return," A familiar, pervy voice giggled.

"Ugh, it's you. What do you want now?!" Ellie dripped annoyance.

"Well, it's obivious you haven't regained your memories yet, so why don't you hang around here until you do?" Truth suggested, grinning at us.

"Um, okay?" I said as Truth dissapeared.

The two of us wandered around in the endless white space. After awhile, Ellie began to get frustrated and ranted around for awhile.

"Why us? Why did we have to be the ones to appear in front of Truth? Why haven't we even seen our Gate yet?" Her last question to herself sparked a memory, which sparked another memory. This seemed to happen to Ellie at the same time as we started being reminded of all that we learned from Truth.

"TRUTH!" I screamed. I held my head in my hands, it felt like it was exploding.

"Yeeeeees?" His voice spoke in it's usual creeper tone.

"THIS ISN'T COOL!" Ellie screeched.

"WHAT IS THIS?! AGHH!" I yelled in agony. My brain... it couldn't handle all that knowledge at this age, even though I was able to do it when I was 3...

"Well, you're remembering my teachings!" Truth sounded thrilled.

"STILL ISN'T FUN!!! HOW WERE WE ABLE TO HANDLE ALL THIS CRAP WHEN WE WERE THREE?!?!?!?!?!?!" Ellie took the words out of my mouth.

"You understood alchemy better when you were three," Truth sounded straightforward (for once!).

"How did we understand it better then?" I asked, then clutched my head, immediately nauseated.

"You understood equivalent exchange." He responded.

"We don't understand equivalent exchange now?"

"No, you don't. You don't understand that to get something, you must give something."

"Yes, I do. I understand that you took our mother in exchange for this knowledge the first time, which is why we still have all of our body parts, inside and out, and that you took it back in exchange for us going back to Earth. In bringing you back here, you owed us, so we regained our knowledge, but that wasn't a great enough price for all our knowledge, so you took some of our ease-of-pain." Ellie and I gave our explanation in complete unison. Everything was quiet until Truth started clapping.

"Good work," He said as he clapped, "You two really are worthy of leaving here."

"Wait, we weren't going to be allowed to leave if we hadn't figured everything out?!" I screeched.

"No, I wouldn't have. But now that I know, you two will be leaving, but not to the world you're familiar with... though, you might know your way around this one too... I guess that we never know, do we?" He asked ominously, then added, "Besides, you don't really belong on Earth."

"WHAT THE HECK IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!" Ellie screamed, but Truth didn't answer the question.

Truth waved his hand in a circle and our Gate appeared. The doors opened, and the sticky, disgusting black hands {Har-dee har har, I'm not being racist.} grabbed my sister and I. We didn't even fight them, knowing that it was a losing battle.

"Blegh, I hoped I would never have to feel this ever again," I said as we went through the gate.


YAY this chapter be done!

Ellie: You seem awfully relieved.

Eli: That says something about your dedication to this story...

HEY! Why are you being so mean to me all of a sudden?! 

Ellie: Because no one else will...


Eli: Yes it does. Besides, you don't have any readers to hound you on it, do you? *wink*

Urgh, I don't like you anymore. 

Ellie: Aww, yes you do.

Eli: C'mon, you know you wuv us!!!!


Ellie & Eli: *Me-haz-eeeevil-plan-laugh*

...Less adorable... 

So this is Flaming_Rose, signing out! And sorreh for le shorty chapter- 


F_R: Le sigh *sigh, sigh, sigh.*

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