River Ripple and Arctic Night

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First off, River Ripple is considerably larger then Arctic Night, but in this they look about the same...just ignore that. Second, River Ripple is darker then Arctic Night. Third, lol I don't even know.
So, in doing this picture I found out something I had no clue about: Arctic Night has brown eyes.
Yes, I confess that I, like many others, like to give my wolves interestingly colored eyes. I figured her eyes were green, maybe blue. But I went back to my very first official picture I had of her, from literally years ago, and she has brown eyes.
Actually, come to think of it, I believe Fire does too. Then again, that makes sense...

This was done with Winsor & Newton Watercolor Markers, which I originally got for the purpose of drawing cats, and wolves!

Alrighty, now for thanks! I wanted to say thanks to all my Wattpad readers out there for renewing my vigor for drawing these wolves. Before making my art book I had kinda slowed down on drawing them...which is sad, now that I come to think about it.
But now I have come back to drawing them, and they are better then ever. Now I have a true feel for all of then(although River Ripple still needs work) and I just want to thank all of you for your views and comments, you guys rock!

~ Jake Vader Out.

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