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A Dachshund puppy, even if it looks a little like a Jack.

So, guys, I'm thinking of trying to sell some of my art on Etsy. idea. I only have originals, I haven't been able to find a print store near me.

So, how much do you guys think for this lil guy? It's charcoal(with a graphite layout) on 140 watercolor paper, 6x6 inches, hand cut(folded then ripped). Take in mind that it's an original(lol I feel so cheesy saying that) I'll probably make a few changes to it, plus spray it with fixative.

If this does work, I'll probably make a Facebook and all those social media sites, to help promote it. And if it does work, it will be great for when I get to college, and horse money! And yes, of course I shall tell you all of them when I make them XD

Thanks for your help!

~ Jake Vader Out.

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