To Change

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"To improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often."-Winston Churchill

I'm smiling
But am I really?

It's hard to tell
That I'm hidden

I'm trying hard
But my efforts are ignored

I want to change
But I won't let myself

I need to forget
Though it's hard with my memory

I can't trust you
Or tell you everything

But I need to
Because it's eating my insides

Healing comes through tears
But I won't let myself show that much emotion

I'm trying so hard to fix myself
But maybe I can't do it on my own

I need to admit I can't
And then you could help fix me

Or maybe you'll hate me
And I'm left alone with thoughts of killing myself

If only I had the courage to
Then I'd already be gone

I need to let more people in
But it's hard when I'm blinded by a past

Can someone clean it off my glasses for me?
So then I could see that you were right in front of me

I'm ready for change
I'm scared of the unknown

But I'm fixable
I promise

I'm ready for change
Can you change me?
School starts tomorrow. More writing comes later. Please vote and comment on any and everything.

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