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It's what causes something to have meaning

Writing is my passion
And I will keep writing till my hand grows tired
And my fingers become numb

I will create stories forever
No matter what happens to me
I won't stop the word flow

My dream is to be that author that speaks to her readers
And makes them understand
And helps create changes in the world

I want to show people that it's ok to dream big
Cause the bigger the dreams
The more achievements you achieve

Galaxies are full of stars
And stars were once dreams

To become a wish
Is to be blown away

I want to escape reality so that all that's left is a fantasy
But sadly no matter what I do I always end up in the real world over and over again
And there's only one way to escape
But I'm not ready for that extreme

We all have passions
And dreams
And we wish upon the stars
Thinking we can escape reality but that's only possible in dreams

Life is one big circle
That keeps repeating and repeating
Like a scratched disc in a music player
Over and over again

And guess what
We can't escape this place called reality
But we can change it simply

By writing
Anything you choose to do

But remember to always do it with a passion
Or it won't mean anything.

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