The Place Called Tomorrow

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You hear those lonely wishes and whispers
You see the pain and the heartbreak
You feel the scars across your back
You smell death in the air

And yet you still hold onto hope

Through everything, you're smiling
Your family was killed
You've been beaten and whipped
You watched your friends get split apart

But you're still smiling

There is somewhere I want to go
You say
A place called Tomorrow
Where my heart and mind will be free

They can't hurt me

At night you gaze upon the stars
You know all of their names by now
Because your father told you their names
The man in the moon is friends with the rabbit

You days come to an end

Your last words I'll never forget
I'm going to Tomorrow and I will miss you
You go live the life you want
We are no longer slaves

We are free.

Yes I know this is in another book but this is my new idea. Also I can't live without writing poetry so yah. Enjoy book four of my poems. Yes four.
Bye bye.

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