To Painful To Cry

15 4 1

Trigger warning

She holds back the tears
Just to show her strength
But at night she lets them flow

She saves every tear in a glass
And makes a wish upon every drop
Hoping for some sort of hope

But everyday is the same as the last
Bullies, alone lunches in the stalls, and torturous thoughts
She want to know when it'll all come to and end

She stays strong all day
Not letting any tears fall
Not showing her weakness

But one day it's to hard for her to handle
She cries in front of everyone
They laugh and call her weak

She runs home
Heads to her room
Plays the music she loves

When that doesn't work
She grabs the razor
Cutting her wrist

And when that fails
She finds something to end it all
She grabs the pills, old and new

Before she finishes her life
She writes letter
But they are hate fill or anything

She writes 'thank you's
And 'I prayed for you every night'
She writes of the good times she had

Ending with
'Don't worry about me
I'm ok now'

She finished the last letter
And swallowed all the pills
Her last words were "Save me"

Her parents found her dead
And they gave out the letters
As they read their own

And planned their daughter's funeral

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