Fitz's veiw

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Ezra Fitz's POV
My life has come to a stop when Aria went missing. It was like driving on a road steadily but then you stop really suddenly because there's something blocking the path. A lot of people took Aria's disappearance differently. The girls in her little 'squad' just never mentioned her just because it was to painful to talk about. I don't blame them. They have been through 10 life times of pain. First the whole Alison thing, then A, then Redcoat,then the dollhouse and now Aria missing. It was a a lot to take in as a teenager.
Arias parents on the other hand, talked about her every single day. They made everything about her, I went to visit them the other day and their whole house is just full of pictures of Aria and her things. Mike is overwhelmed with it all and is just acting tough. He opened up to me though, explaining he does miss her but didn't want to get back into his old behaviour again. And as for me, I was on a mission. I wasn't going to get drunk every night and not take good care of myself and just become dead inside. I was going to find her. I was going to get every clue I could. Toby, Caleb and I had made it our top priority. It was good to see them everyday, I didn't feel as lonely. As for the night time, well that's a different story. Going from sharing a bed with someone and waking up with them and taking them out for dinner and watching movies wth them and hugging them and kissing them too never ever having seen them in 3 whole months was the headrest thing I've ever been through. One day she was here, one day she wasn't. Once she went missing all of us immediately knew A had taken her. Everyone knows that she's probably locked away in a tiny dark room scared for her whole life. We Haven't got proof of that of that which really really sucks. I miss her, I miss her warm embrace. I miss the words she talked, her lips up against mine, her small body that I could hold, her eyes that I could just loose myself in. I missed her and I was going to find her. There were no maybes.
Sorry, this chapter was kinda sort but I didn't know what else to write lol. I'm sorry this is kinda bad starting off but I'm just trying to set the scene a little bit and give you an insight on the charters views about the situation. Feel free to leave me any suggestions or feedback x
-@b26liars on Instagram x

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