"Please calm down, Miss Wild. My name is Professor Charles Xavier and you are in my school for gifted youngsters. This is Ororo Munroe, she took care of you." The Professor said, his voice calm and reassuring.

"School for what? What is that?" Megan snapped, her eyes glancing around the room as she tried to find an escape route.

She never expected an answer like this. Everything around her looked nothing like a school and she wasn't willing to accept some half truth.

"It's a school for mutants. I believe your father spoke to you about people like us. You have no reason to be afraid. Why don't you put the scalpel down so I can explain what happened?" The Professor replied, his voice low and sincere in an attempt to calm her.

Unfortunately for The Professor the mention of her father only made the situation worse.

"How do you know my father?" She shouted, her eyebrows drawing together as anger replaced her fear.

"I don't. I have the power to read people's minds, and to make sure you are not a threat to us, I had to read yours," he explained, a hand reaching to her in a last ditch attempt to calm her down.

"You read minds?" she asked, her mind reeling at the information.

Her father had told her numerous times about mutants and their power, but this was the first time she had encountered one. Her whole body was going back and forth, not knowing how to react.

"Yes, and as your father told you, we are not dangerous," he whispered in her mind.

Megan's mouth fell open in disbelief. She stared at the Professor with her eyes wide open while processing what she had just experienced. Her heart rate dropped as she thought she may be safe after all, but since the events that brought her here were still blurry, she didn't let go of her weapon.

"How did I get here?" she asked, the scalpel still held firmly in her hand.

"You were attacked and shot. Logan brought you here so we can take care of you." Storm interrupted, jumping into the conversation.

"Logan? Who's Logan?" Megan questioned, her mind still foggy from the attack and blood loss.

"I'm Logan!" Logan exclaimed. He had heard the voices from the gym and came back to see what was happening.

Megan turned her head, looking the man standing in the doorway. As soon as she saw Logan's face, scenes from the night before flashed in front of her eyes. The bar, the alley, the three shadows in the dark, something stopping them, and a gunshot...

"Wait... we met at the bar, didn't we? We... we talked just before I left?" She stuttered, her memory clearing with every passing heartbeat.

"Yeah, that is ri-"

"And you showed up when they attacked me," she continued without waiting for his answer.

The memory of how much she enjoyed talking to him and the trust she had come rushing back. Her eyes stared at Logan and she tilted her head.

"Why did you bring me here? Couldn't you take me to a hospital?" she asked, not that she understood anything that happened until now, but this only added to her confusion.

"There were three dead guys, you had just been shot and had two blood-stained daggers in your possession. Usually, in cases like that, the hospital calls the police. Did you really want to explain to them what happened?"

Logan was right. Even if she were innocent, the police would have a hard time believing her. To Storm and The Professors' amazement, Logan's last words finally seemed to calm her down. She took a deep, shaky breath and put the scalpel back on the tray.

Healing Hearts (  a Wolverine X OC Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz