Chapter Two (Sean's POV)

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"Everyone, please welcome our new student. His name is Mark Fischbach ," my first period teacher Mrs. Smith announces and turns to the door. "Mark, you can come in now."

A new student? It's December. Isn't it a bit late for that? I remember that the seat next to me is empty. Shit, I hope he doesn't end up next to me! I don't want social interaction. I chose a lonely desk for a reason!

I distract myself by trying to balance my brown mechanical pencil on my nose. It falls to the for quickly. I bend down to pick it up and by the time I'm sitting up again, the new 10th grader is standing at the front of the classroom in front of the whiteboard. The sight of him makes me drop my poor pencil again.

First off, I already see girls giving him goo-goo eyes. I hate people who go out with someone whose eyes they can't see the color of. It feels like cheating on your unknown soulmate. I would never do that.

Speaking of eye color, this is the main reason I dropped my abused pencil the second time.

They're a vivid brown!

I try to control the blush I know is spreading. I blush very easily. But I wasn't expecting this so suddenly...

Since I can see his eye color, this means only one thing. We're soulmates. 

I close my eyes. I don't want him to single me out. Sometimes I see people freak out when they first meet their soulmate. I'd rather him not figure it out until a little later

I focus on trying to listen to Mark instead. He's introducing himself. He's apparently from some far away state I didn't catch the name of. He also mentions a few hobbies or something. I hardly hear any of what he says despite my efforts. The panicky thoughts in my head are too loud and distracting. 

After what feels like years, but was probably less than a minute, he concludes his introduction. "There's an empty seat next to Mr. McLoughlin over there. Mr. McLoughlin raise your hand," Mrs. Smith says. I cringe and obediently do so, my eyes still tightly shut.

A few moments later, I hear the chair next to me move and a tap on my shoulder. Why me? What did I do to deserve this?  "I'm busy," I mumble, my head down on the desk.

"With what?" It's obviously Mark.



"Secret reasons," I bluff, embarrassed.

"Well, I'm Mark. What's your name?" He asks. Damn it, he's just so cheerful.

"Sean. Sean McLoughlin. Just call me Jack."

"That's a nice name," he says, attempting to make small talk. 

"Shush. I have to continue wallowing in self pity for the rest of my life."

"Why? What happened?"

"You," I grumble.

"What'd I do?" he asks, sounding a little hurt. I take a deep breath and decide it would be easier to show rather than tell. I sit up and look at him straight in the eyes.

"Brown," I say quietly.

"Blue," he sounds stunned. My eyes are blue? A lot of people I know can see that color. Didn't Anthony say his soulmate's were the same?

"I...I...oh man, I've been preparing things to say for the day I met my soulmate but I've forgotten about all of them." He sounds nervous. "Wow, blue looks a lot better as an eye color than I was expecting. I figure it'd be too intense a color and look sort of weird but yours are a nice shade."

"Thanks?" I say, more of a question than an answer. I'm unsure of what we're supposed to do. I wish we weren't in a classroom. There's hardly any privacy in here. I'm just glad we sit in the back of the room. "Let's figure this out later. Do you need a pencil?" He nods sheepishly.

"I already lost all mine and it's only first period. I dropped my bag on the way to class and lost some stuff," he admits. I roll my eyes.

I pick up my brown pencil, and place it in his hand. I wink, an action I never do. But I feel the need to do it now. "It matches your eyes."

A/n: WhHOOO! A lot of typing, and my hands and arms hurt. Good for me. I will not stop, and update more! Good day/night all my peeps in the house. Buh-bye! And PUNCH that vote button, IN THE FACE, like a BOSS! And, high fives all around. *High five noises* And I will see all you dudes...IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!

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