The Devil of Hell's Kitchen

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He stood next to me and I gave him my coat. He held it open for me by the collar. I slowly slid each arm into it's spot, only wincing once. He then gently pulled the coat up onto my shoulders, at its final resting spot. He pulled my mop of hair out of the coat for me. I turned around and looked at him, "Thank you." I buttoned the top two buttons.

"You're welcome, Miss Dylan," Matt nodded, a smile creeping onto his face. Suddenly, Foggy cleared his throat. "Not in front of the children!" he spat the words out like an old lady, scolding us for about to make out in front of toddlers. Matt and I laughed as Foggy stormed past us, a mock disapproving look on his face. I walked to the doorway and Matt went back to his desk. I turned around and smiled, "Goodnight, guys."

Foggy popped out from around the corner, like nothing ever happened, still wielding the bat, "Later, Dani!" I chuckled. Where does he get all of his enthusiasm? "Goodnight," I could hear the smile in Matt's voice. I nodded and then headed for the door.

Alison's POV

My knuckles slammed into Dani's apartment door. It only took a second for her to open it. Her expression was exhausted, spread thin. "What can I do for you, Alison?" she asked, slowly. I inhaled. Trying to control the utter rage I felt inside seemed pointless, but I held it in as best I could as I replied, "Wanna tell me why you just happen to have the code to a satellite, and why my son was able to access it in order to aid a vigilante, all under your roof?"

"Alison, I-"

"How did Angel even know you had a satellite and what the code was?" I asked, interrupting. "You know what- I don't care. I don't even want to know. My son could've been put in serious danger being involved in last night's escapade, and you've made him an accessory to whatever crimes the police want to throw at the man in the mask. I trusted that he would be safe here. That's what you told me. But, obviously, I can't trust anything you say at all."

"I'm so sorry this happened. I didn't think he'd be able to find where I'd hidden the code to the satellite. And I don't know why some vigilante knew I had it," she explained, still seeming a bit worn.

"Yeah, I can't trust you. First you bring a bleeding masked man into my home. Then you let Chase sit by himself at school. And now this. And you know, I'm sorry, too. Because it's going to take time, this time, before I can trust you again," I said. It was a second long and small, but I could've sworn I saw her eyes softening. She steeled back to her usual resolve as soon as I thought I'd seen it. "I just wanted to let you know, I'm highly disappointed in you."

After dropping that, I turned and started for my car. Dani didn't try to stop me. Or respond in any way, actually. I slid in behind the wheel and started the engine. The next stop was Matt's apartment. I had to make this point elsewhere. Seeing as I wanted nothing to do with Angel at the moment, I would have to go through a middle man—the mask. Or Matt Murdock. Either way you look at it, I'm getting my message passed along.

Especially if he's going to be continuing to team up with her. I got to Matt's apartment building and headed straight for his door. I was in a lot of pain last time I was here, but even I could find my way back. Once again my knuckles met wood as I knocked twice, then stepped back to wait, sliding my hands into my coat pockets. There was a brief pause and nothingness before the door pulled open, revealing Matt still wearing his vigilante get-up. "Alison, this isn't really a good time," he said, seeming miffed.

"We need to talk," I slid past him into the apartment. He closed the door as I reached the living room. My feet froze in their place not even three steps in, and my eyes rounded. An older looking man stood by the coffee table with white hair and a weathered face. Almost immediately I noticed the gloss of his eyes. He was blind. "And here you said she wasn't coming back," the man commented, his tone snidely sarcastic. "What's your name?"

Hell's Angel (BK 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang