Chapter 3 ~ Happy Twentieth Anniversary!

Start from the beginning

"I thought you'd like it," he told me, opening the basket.

Draco and I sat there for countless hours, eating lunch, talking about the past, and laughing at all the stupid things we did when we were younger. I stared at Draco as he was laughing at something I said. I smiled at him. It felt like the world just stopped for a moment. When I saw Draco smiling, it reminded me of when he barely smiled when we were teenagers. It wasn't until we were romantically involved that his world was brightening up, and it was all because of me.

"Draco?" I spoke up.

"Yes, Max?"

"Do you remember when we first started dating?"

Draco nodded his head. "Of course I do." He took my hand. "You've changed my life for the better. You know that, right?"

I smiled. "Yeah, I do." I paused for a moment, then sighed. "It's like we were destined to be together, right?"

Draco grinned. "Just like Professor Trelawney's prediction."

"Can you believe it's been twenty years since we got married?"

"I can't believe you still think I'm attractive," he said.

I chuckled. "You still think I'm attractive, right?"

Draco smirked. "You'll always be gorgeous in my eyes, Maxine Malfoy."

"You know how I feel about my full name," I said, following a sigh. "But since it's our anniversary, I'll let it slide."

Draco smiled and looked around him. I looked around as well and noticed how late it was getting. "It's getting dark, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is," I answered. "We better go get Scorpius from--"

"Oh, no, we're not done yet," Draco cut me off. "We still have one more thing."

"We do?" I asked him. "What else do you have planned?"

Draco cleaned up everything and placed the blanket and basket back in the bag. Then, he looked at me. "Well, there's a reason why we have our brooms," he said. "I wanted to do this with you when we were younger, but I never asked you due to me being jealous of your flying ability."

"What is it?"

"We're going to fly over London together."

"Fly over London?" I repeated. "You're insane!"

"I know, but who isn't?" he pointed out. "Come on. It's getting dark, which is the perfect time to go."

Draco and I grabbed our brooms and mounted on them. Once again, I followed Draco off into the sky.

It was dark enough that lights were lit all over London, so we were able to see where we were going. I was worried about Muggles seeing us, but Draco assured me that no one would.

I looked down at the scenery below me and smiled to myself. The lights were reflecting off of the water and the sound of cars were flooding the streets of London. I flew down by the water and looked up at Draco, who followed me down and flew beside me.

"Follow me!" he yelled.

I watched as Draco flew ahead of me, so I followed him. We went through the streets of London, over buildings, and through tunnels. Finally, we went past the London Eye and landed on top of Big Ben.

"Wow," I said, panting and sitting down beside Draco on the rooftop.

"I'm surprised that we can still fly at this age," Draco commented.

I chuckled. "Got that right," I said. I placed my broom on my lap. "Beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is," he replied. I could feel him staring at me.

I looked at him and laughed. "I was talking about the view, Draco."

"I was, too. My view is pretty great," he said, smirking at me.

I sighed. "Is there another reason you didn't ask me to do this when we were younger?" I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Things were different between us back then. It was hard to ask you when you hated my guts."

I chuckled. "I guess it was. But I'm glad we were able to do it tonight."

"Me, too," Draco agreed, smiling.

I rested my head on Draco's shoulders. "Happy Anniversary, Draco."

Draco rested his head on mine. "Happy Anniversary, Max."

A/N: Hiii!

Of course, I posted this chapter on this day for one reason and one reason only: August 15th is the anniversary of Draco and Max!

Because it's 2018 in this story (specifically this chapter), it's been 20 years since Draco and Max got married.

It seems like yesterday I was writing their first kiss. :') Ugh, my Drax feels...

FUN FACT: The scene where they're flying around London was actually a scene that I was gonna write in Closer to Love, but then I decided to not do it and replaced it with the scene of Draco and Max talking by the gardens at the end of chapter 3.

The song is All Those Pretty Lights by Andrew Belle.

Dedicated to reloading- for the banner above! :)

Oh, and also, I got back to school on the updates will be slow...

Anyway, comment, vote, #Drax. <3


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