"Calum," I gasp as his tongue finds it's way into my mouth.

"You taste so good, baby girl," He mumbles into my neck, leaving definite marks.

"Stop teasing," I whine, then he pulls back and looks at me, smirking,

"Can't help myself, Sky." 

"Screw it." I connect my lips back to his tugging his shirt off, with mine following in suit. Pushing him back onto the bed, I crawl on top of him, a leg on either side of his body.

"Skyler, stop teasing," He mocks. I laugh kissing him softly as his fingers dig into my hips.

"You're so perfect," he whispers as his hands roam up and down my body.

"I could say the same about you, Hood."  Calum flips us over so that he is hovering over me propped up with one arm, his other tightly around my waist. 

"I love you," I breath as he thrusts into me, my hands tugging tufts of his hair.

"I love you too, Sky, So fucking much," Calum whispers pressing his chapped lips to mine, "More than you know."


I woke up to kisses being pressed along my shoulder blade. Shifting my body, I look at the tan boy beside me, his strong arms still around my waist from the night before.

"Good morning, beautiful," Calum smiles pecking my lips, "Sleep well?" I sit up, running my fingers through my hair.

"Better then I thought I would, although I still do have a killer headache from the jet lag," I admit, reaching down and pulling one of his shirts over my head, along with a pair of leggings from my bag.

"Aw, I'm sorry, love. Do you want Advil or something?" He asks sitting up to rub my back as I sit back down on the edge of the bed.

"Later, right now I'm really hungry," I say, my stomach growling as if on cue.

"You're always hungry," My boyfriend laughs. I glare at him and throw a pillow, hitting him right in the head.

"Oi! You're gonna pay for that!" He says lunging forward, but misses as I dodge his reach.

"Gonna have to catch me first!"

 I run out of the room, Calum close behind. I race down the stairs, almost tripping along the way and rush into the living room only to have a pair of arms wrap around me from behind lifting me up and spinning me around. Causing me to squeal, Calum laughs kissing my temple,

"Should've been careful. Don't want you falling down any more stairs now, do we?"

"That was only one time!"

"Calum, is that you?" Calum freezes, dropping his arms from around my waist and turns around to see his mom standing in the doorway.

"Mum!" Calum exclaims running into her arms like a little boy.

"I've missed you so much, sweetie!" She pulls away, pinching his chubby cheeks, "You're so grown up!"

"Mum," Calum whines, "I'm almost 20."

"That's what scares me," She laughs.

"Where's Dad and Mali?"

"Christmas shopping. They should be home in a bit, though."

"Oh," Calum nods and turns around seeing me, "Oh! Mom, look who's here!" He grabs my hand pulling me forward.

"Oh, Skyler, honey! It's been so long!" Joy says, pulling me into her embrace, "Did you hear that Calum was home? Is that why you came here, to see him?" I open my mouth to explain, when Mali and David walk in.

"Calum!" Mali runs into her younger brother's arms, "I thought you weren't coming home till tomorrow?" 

"Change of plans, I guess?" He laughs pulling her back in for another hug before hugging his dad as well.

"Oh my god, Skyler! It's been forever!" Mali squeals noticing me before we hug one another tightly, "Finally, another girl I can take to!" We laugh.

"So I should probably explain what's going on," Calum interrupts, rubbing the back of his neck.

"What do you mean, Cal?" Mali asks.

"It's a funny story actually," Calum chuckles, "Skyler and I actually ran into each other a few months ago, and she's been on tour with us ever since." He intertwines our fingers together and smiles,

"Oh, right." I should probably introduce you now," He giggles.

 "Guys, this is Skyler, my girlfriend."


Yay! The Hoods are here!

woo, three updates today;)


- Amber xx

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