Chapter 6| To Close

Start from the beginning

"Thank you." I say to the women.

"No problem." She says smiling.

I walk to a seat and sit alone. The women sits by me.

"So... You traveling?" She asks me with some curiosity.

"No, I'm well.... Lost." I say.

"Oh, where are you from?" She asks.

"It's about a couple hours away from here." I say.

"Well, it's pretty late. Do you have a place to stay?" She says.

"No..." I say quietly,

"Well you can come stay with me for the night, my little puppy would love company." She says.

I look at her, "You'll really let me stay with you?"

"Yes, it's the least I can do I could never let you be lost and alone at night." She says.

"Thank you.." I say smiling.

"You're welcome, here." She holds her hand. "I'm Lanel."

"I'm Becky."I say as I shake her hand.

"What a beautiful name."

"Thank you." I say.

Lots of people complement my name, my fashion style, and just me really but I don't understand why I just seem like another girl.

"Here this is our stop." She says.

I stand up and get off the bus with her. I follow her to an apartment complex and she leads me to her area. She opens the door and a little puppy bursts out.

"Oh here's Max." She says.

He jumps up against my legs and starts to circle me.

"Hi Max." I say picking him up.

The women smiles.

"Come on let's get you some food." She says.


I sit on her couch with Max laying on my lap and she sits next to me.

"So how are you lost?" She asks me.

"Well.... I was...." I begin to say. If I say I was kidnapped she'll freak out. I need to find my way home alone so the kidnappers won't find me again. "I lost my family in the town and they went back to where I live so I'm trying to get back." I say.

"Well stay as long as you need to." She says. "You can sleep in the guest bedroom."

I nod and she shows me it.

I lay on the bed and feel my back relax being able to lay on a nice mattress instead of a torn mattress made of springs.

I feel my eyes starting to close and everything around me starts to drift away as I fall into sleep.


"Listen where did you lose her!" Yells a cop.

"We lost her outside of the Highway." Says John.

"And which way did she go?" Says the cop slamming his hands on the table.

"I don't know! Somewhere into the woods." He says.

The cop stands up, "Send cops out to the whole area east of the highway and check all near by towns.

Brad listens to the cops saying this and sits facing John.

"You're such a jerk." Says Brad.

"Well guess what, I was about to kill your sister, besides if I did I would have shown you her..." He begins to say.

"Don't!" Yells Brad standing up.

"COLD! DEAD! BODY!" John yells at him shaking in his chair with his chains around him. "I WOULD HAVE SPREAD HER BLOOD ON YOUR FRONT LAWN."

Brad slaps him and knocks him out of his chair. John lays on the floor unconscious.

"Brad... You should go..." Says the cop.

He tears up, "I should."

He walks out of the room and cries in the hall. Cops walk past him and he just keeps crying. He runs out to his car and grips his steering wheel.

"It'll be ok... Becky's fine..... Just fine."

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