Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


There could be two reasons why Esdeath is here. It is either she spotted a member of Night Raid here or she's after me to kill me instead for I became a traitor on her part.

"Tch," Akame exclaimed as she held a tight grip on her sword.

"Wait, Akame," I said as I held her hand to stop her. "Gather all the others here. Once your here, You'll be safe from Esdeath. She will never find you here."

She gazed at me with perplexing eyes as she kept in silent. I slightly squeezed her hand to assure her and gave her a smile. "Trust me."

She nodded her head in agreement and set out to find all the other members who are getting ready to fight Esdeath. I pushed the blankets away from me and went out of the hideout as soon as possible, before they even see me.

Not minding the stinging pain on my ribs, I ran as fast as I could to meet Esdeath before they could reach the hideout. But suddenly, I felt my wound opening again, the blood seeping out of my skin.

Groaned in pain, my knees weakening and my body collapsing on the ground while wincing.

"Ugh.. Damn," I exclaimed through gritted teeth.

All of a sudden, I heard the clacking sound of a horse coming towards my direction. I felt the nervousness traveling in my nerves knowing that Esdeath and her company will be coming here. I forced my feet to stand firm on the ground so that I could be prepared to stop them.

"How unexpected." I heard Esdeath's voice springing up about sending chills on my spine. "To think that I'll be seeing you here."

"Esdeath-sama," I said in a low tone. "What brings you here?"

"I was merely tracing your paths to make sure you won't betray me."

I felt my back tensed up as I heard the word 'betray'. My heart began stammering in my chest but, I tried my best to remain calm. "Do you think my faith is questionable?"

"Hmmm," she exclaimed with a smirk. She jumped down from her horse and came towards me, scrutinizing me from head to toe. "You look like you're in a pretty bad shape."

"Have you been fighting?" she asked me while wearing a smirk.

"Yes and the truth is, I engaged in a teigu battle with one of the Night Raid members." I said.

She seemed really surprised then she grabbed my shoulders tightly. "Where did you find them?"

"I haven't found out their exact location but, I encountered one of them yesterday in the west."

But the truth is, you can't find it because the correct way is to the north. Either way, Lubbo's tread will detect it if they're near.

"Then, how did you have bandages?" she asked me with her doubting cold eyes.

"I brought this with me knowing that I will have to fight."

I was really nervous as I knew I was lying in front of her. It was Night Raid who saved my life. If they see me like this, I would be betraying them.

Her gaze never changed and deep within her eyes her doubts still run the same. But then, a smile formed on her lips.

"Then, I won't question you any further. You seem like you need a rest. I can see blood gushing out of your ribs."

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