Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


Esdeath wore a black coat and black slacks with her black hat, looking very formal. All of the other members wore black dresses and black coats to denote formality with the emperor.

While they were preparing themselves to meet the emperor, Esdeath told me to come with her at the back of the wall. I know that this is a sign that she wants me to do something for her.

"What is it that you want me to do?" I asked her.

"I want you to investigate all over the capital and see if there will be any clues about Night Raid."

"Night Raid?" I asked as I tilted my head in confusion.

"Yes. Night Raid is an atrocious group of assassins who disturbs the peace of the capital, killing many people with their hands." She explained.

"They're just a bunch of killers, right? You can deal with them." I remarked nonchalantly.

"If they were, I would've killed them a long time ago." She said as she chuckled. "Frankly speaking, they're pretty good. All of the members are teigu users and they have such an annoying leader."

"Who?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Najenda.. An ex-general who was led the capital army the same as me. Well, she revolted against the capital and now she's an enemy we have to take care of. She's one big pests that we have to eliminate."

"How do I find those people?"

She handed me out some flyers of the known members of the Night Raid. They have such high bounty placed upon their heads which means that, they must be pretty strong.

"Make sure your cover doesn't get blown and when you encounter one of them, bring him or her to me."

"I won't finish them off?"

"Nope. Just capture them alive and down to the torture chamber they go to have some fun." She chuckled whilst her evil grin was reeking of evilness. She patted my shoulder and smiled.

"I'm counting on you."

"Yes." I answered her.

I held a tight clutch on the flyers and wanted posters she gave me as I set off to the streets to look for clues about the said Assassin group.

But now that I've gotten outside of Esdeath's grasps, I feel so free. There are no heavy trainings, no tortures either.. No pain.. No eyes following me and no Esdeath at all.

I feel so free, it's really pleasant. I'm finally on my own now and I feel so good that I don't have to care about taking orders from others. I could walk around all I want in the capital without Esdeath controlling me or restraining me.

The atmosphere is light and I can feel no murderous aura from Esdeath either. I'm so glad I won't be able to see her threatening smirk and intimidating presence even just for a while.

But somehow.. The fact that I am Esdeath's slave can't be erased from my mind. It was like I was automatically bounded to her and I feel so scared to disobey her.

This is the perfect chance to escape from Esdeath and yet..Why do I feel like I can't do this to her at all..?

As I was walking around the capital, I noticed that I've been walking at the same spot for like, three times already. I looked around and it seemed like I was in the middle of nowhere. There are no people I was nowhere near any town.

I found myself surrounded by countless trees and endless paths like some jungle or forest.

Am I lost or something?

"Ow! Damn it!" A voice broke out from a nearby place around this area. I quickly set forth to that direction to check who it was.

Pushing the big leaves and twigs away, I found a man with light green hair, wincing in pain whilst holding his leg as his wound severely bled. He was clenching his teeth and gripping on his leg while a big danger beast stood before him.

It was twice as big as his size, has plenty of sharp teeth, huge claws, and has the face and the body of a bear with red pupils. The bear was grunting heavily and bearing its teeth towards the man while it gazes with hunger. I could tell that the beast was starving.

The bear roared very loudly as it attacked the wounded man on the ground. I grabbed the big sharp wood on the ground to ready myself to kill the beast. Just as the poor guy was about to get eaten, I jumped in and plunged the sharp wood right at its throat. The blood splashed at my left cheek as the bear let out a huge deafening cry.

As it staggered backwards, I took the chance to jump high and stomp the wood that was stuck on its throat to bore it deeper. The wood went through the bear's neck and huge hole was dug on its nape, blood spluttering out uncontrollably.

Just as the bear was motionless and nothing but a corpse, I turned to the wounded green-haired guy who was dumbfounded. "You okay?" I asked casually, tearing a piece of cloth from my shirt.

I wrapped it around his bleeding leg tightly to stop the bleeding. "U-Uh.. Thanks for that, man."

"No problem. What are you doing here anyway?"

All of a sudden, I felt a sharp gush of wind, slicing through the thin in just a blink of an eye. I was startled when I felt a murderous intent towards me whilst a sharp thin blade of a katana was directed towards my neck. On my side was a girl with long black hair and a pair of red ominous eyes glare at me with an intent to kill.

"That's supposed to be my question," she said in a low voice.

"W-Wait, Akame-chan. This guy helped me," stated the green haired boy.

Looking at this intimidating looking girl, I thought that she resembled one of the new members of Jaegers. The one with splendid swordsmanship and sweets..

Speaking of, while Jaegers meet with the emperor, I have to do my job successfully and gather some evidences about the Night Raid people or something. Ugh, how stupid I was.. I forgot to look at the posters as I was too caught up with walking around the capital.

God, Esdeath's gonna kill me if I don't do this seriously. I just need to get out of here without causing trouble and look for Night Raid assassins.

"I have come for peace," I remarked while putting my hands on the air to surrender.

"Hey, what's going on- Oh! A Bishie guy!" An older looking beautiful woman in a Lion-like costume popped out of the trees.

Has lion ears, tail, and paws.. What kind of creature is she?

"Hmm, he certainly has more appeal than the two guys." A girl with pink hair which were tied in pigtails said while scrutinizing me seriously. She carried a huge gun on her back and I immediately assumed that it was her Teigu. After all, Esdeath showed me some Teigus and I'm pretty sure I already saw that one in some books.

"What did you say?!" A man with brown hair and green eyes angrily yelled towards the pink-haired girl. He carried a sword on his back and it has a sign on it. It was like a cross and I'm sure I saw it in the book too.

There are two teigu users here already and if I make my wrong move here, I will be killed. I have to get on their good side and escape.

"I do not wish to bring hostility towards any of you. If you would be so kind to please let me go." I requested humbly.

"Oh, unfortunately, we can't do that," The woman who looked like a lioness said while wearing an evil smirk on her face. "Those who set foot on our hideout can't get out alive."

End of Chapter 13

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