He just graduated and got his bachelors in science education and was pursing to becoming a teacher and I couldn't be happier for him. Out of all my siblings he and I got along the most. Lastly you have my older sister, Chanel.

Chanel was a beauty queen, my mom's favorite and my dad's special baby girl. She was a lighter shade than the rest of us and was the twinkle in everybody's eye. She was currently in school to become a lawyer and my parents have continually shared their happiness about it in every way they can. When I told them that I was selected to become valediction my dad announced it at church and had the congregation congratulate me, but when my sister announced that she would be attending law school. My parents granted her a cruise vacation.

I have always been the odd child out. I have tried many times to prove myself to them but everything I do goes unnoticed. As I grew older, I also grew tired of having to prove to them I'm something special.

Today's dinner was like the usual. I picked and played with my food as everyone went around the table discussing their day.

"Why you so quiet Hailey?" My dad asked.

I shrugged. "There's just nothing to talk about sir." I replied.

"How about we talk about you and that boy outside of church? Kissing and disrespecting the lords name. Did you not think I would find out? I have ears and eyes everywhere." He scolded me.

I forced myself to not roll my eyes. "Is that true young lady?" my mom asked. My siblings were staring intently at me quietly waiting for my response.

"I just went outside to get some fresh air. I didn't even know he was out there, let alone that he was going to kiss my cheek, and that was all he kissed." I replied back throwing my fork down and plopping back in my seat.

"You better watch your tone little girl." My father said pointing his fork at me. "I will not have my daughter act like that especially at my church. Now go to your room, I'm tired of looking at you."

I looked around the table and saw that my siblings were now focused on their food, my mom shook her head in shame, and my dad scowls in my direction. I got up and slammed the chair to the table and raced upstairs.

I was miserable in the family and wanted so desperately to leave. I took out my phone and dialed the one number that came to mind.

"Hello," his smooth voice recited in to the phone.

I sniffed and wiped my eyes as I started to break down over the phone. "Are you crying Hailey? What happened? I'm on my way." He told kept asking and then hung up as I knew he would be on his way.

We had such a weird relationship. Anthony was somebody I could vent to, yet in public we distanced ourselves from each other. Not intently, like it was a secret, but our private relationship it was made it continue to be so strong.

'I'm outside' the message popped up on my phone. I quickly dried my face and put on my sneakers and lifted the window up and carefully jumped out. I quickly raced to his car and smoothly slipped in.

He didn't say anything as I got in the car and he drove off. He drove off and we ended up at the local waffle house, with nothing being said.

After ordering we kind of just looked at one another. "You wanna tell me what happened?" Anthony asked sipping his tea.

I sighed. "Just the usual." I told him.

"When are you going to live your life the way you want to." He told me.

I shrugged. "It's more complicated than that." I told him.

"No it's not." He said getting up and sliding next to me. He wrapped his arm behind my neck kissed my ear.

"One day, you're going to regret not fighting for what you want." He told me.

"I'm trying." I told him trying to convince myself.

"There's a big difference from trying and doing. No woman, especially a black woman, should feel unappreciated. Know you're worth and fight for your right to live the way you want." He spoke. He was right.

I was tired of feeling unappreciated by my family. He was right. If I wanted to live the way I wanted to, I need to change my outlook. 

Please read

Many of you may be confused about this book, but it's something to encourage all women to appreciate themselves. This book will dwell on sex, relationship, racism, feminism, and so much more. These short stories each have singular purposes and will continue to better. Thank you for the support. I can't wait to read your ideas and opinions. 

Also thank you so much for the support guys!!

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