The Light At The End Of The Tunnel

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I can't stop running,

My feet echo in the noiseless tunnel,

I can't see what I'm running from,

Only hear it,

The people say I hear the Heavenly words of angels,

But my ears are filled with the curses of demons,

The tunnel is as pitch black as the silence that it wraps itself in,

I am blacked, bloodied, beaten,

My time is almost up,

The demons claw at my feet,

I'm nearly gone,

Then I see light,

It expands and grows,

The final light at the end of my life,

And you are there,

To whisk me away to safety,

And I hope we can spend it together,

Then you are gone,

My wished euphoria now fake,

A better life now forgotten,

My dreams are shattered,

And now I know that there is no way out,

So I give up,

I surrender,

I lie down in the silent darkness,

And I let the demons have me...

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