Try To Convince Me

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Once you've known someone,

Truly known someone,

For a long time, something happens,

They become this light,

A blinding beacon,

And just like looking at a true face of an angel,

It feels like your eyes could burn with one look,

But then other things become more apparant,

When you close your eyes,

You can here their voice the loudest,

And if an imposter took their place,

You could tell by just the way they sit,

Then you know what this means,

All this adds up to one thing;


And then your left,

Trying to piece together broken feelings,

Trying to convince yourself you don't feel that way,

Thinking and over thinking how they will react when you tell them,

And this never stops,

No matter how long you think about it,

You never stop loving anyone,

Believe me i've tried,

But one thing you will ask yourself,

Maybe once,

Maybe everyday,


"Why me?",

"Why did i fall in love with you?",

And the beauty of it is,

You will never know,

And after a while you stop caring,

And accept that you love them,

Who cares if they love you back or not.

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