"Benjamin," I sighed out, closing my eyes. "I'm sorry, but I can't. My family-"

"Dammit, Riley! WE ARE your family! I am as much your brother as Sam is your sister. We aren't just some random adopted kids that were picked up from the side of the road. I am your brother, Riley. You're angry at Dad and I get that. I do. But what about us? What about me and Richard and Jackson and Ryan and Micah? We've had to go through the same thing. We've had to suffer living with that man for years now. Do you really think that after living with him he becomes the perfect dad? No! Every day that passes without you there with him, he takes it out on us. I know we didn't grow up together, but don't we matter to you? Ryan's twelve and you're her freaking idol. She talks about how excited she is to meet you every day and Jackson is just happy to be able to meet his big sister. Hell, even I was ecstatic the day we found you because I thought that you would be able to help me protect them from him. I do the best that I can, but I'm not you, Riley. I'm not you!" Benjamin cried, crashing to the floor as his body was wracked with sobs. I had been so caught up in myself and how much my life had been affected that I hadn't even thought about the rest of them. Benjamin was right. They are my family, too. I hadn't ever thought about it before, but they are my family through blood no matter how much I try to deny my relation to Leo. This boy, this fourteen-year-old boy who should just be starting high school and hanging out with friends and not having to bend to the demands of a man who is supposedly his father, is my brother and no amount of denying is going to change that.

"You're right," I cried, falling to my knees and pulling my brother into an embrace. "I'm sorry. I've been so focused on my own problems that I didn't even think. You're right. You guys are my family too and it is my responsibility to protect you. I've been so angry that I just completely ignored the fact that you exist which makes me no better than the man that I've been so angry at. I have abandoned my family when I should have been there for you guys. Hell, I should have been there first. This responsibility should have never been on your shoulders, Benjamin, and I am deeply sorry about that. I've been spending so much energy trying to deny who I am when I should have just accepted it so that I could help you." I continued, crying into his shoulder as I felt his tears soak mine. This has turned out to be a very emotional day. "You're just a kid, Benjamin and, more importantly, you're my little brother. You know that I would do anything to protect Sam and you're right, we didn't grow up together, but I will also do anything to protect you. So, when you go back, I want you to do something for me. I want you to tell Leo that I'm ready, but if I'm going to go, I don't want him to send a messenger. I want him to come himself. It's going to be okay, Benjamin. I'll go with him, but I'm going for you."


"You're still here." Sara's voice pulled me back into the present. I had lost track of the amount of time Benjamin and I had stayed crying on the floor before he declared that he had to head back. I feel as if I have cried enough in this one night to last me through the rest of my life.

"Of course, I'm still here," I softly said as I turned to smile at her bare form standing in the doorway from my spot on the bed. "I told you I would be."

"I wasn't sure if you had changed your mind." She slowly walked over and carefully straddled my lap. She suddenly began to look around the room as if she were searching for something or someone.

"It's okay. They're gone." I calmly ran my hands along her thighs, hoping to calm her down. "Benjamin left and took the man with him. He said that he would take care of it, whatever that means, but I wasn't going anywhere. And, as I told you before, there's nothing that can change how I feel about you." As soon as the words had come out, Sara engulfed my mouth in a passionate kiss that quickly started to escalate. I was suddenly snapped back into the present as my desire started to make itself known. Quickly breaking the kiss, I leaned back slightly to allow for more space between us. "Sara, wait. We're supposed to be talking about-"

"I don't want to talk about it," She said as she cut me off with another kiss. "I just want you."

"Sara," I gasped out, trying to maintain my composure. "We can't. This isn't like the first time. I'm not the same as I was the first time. And would you even want to...I mean, after what happened?"

"What almost happened," Sara muttered as she trailed kisses along my neck and jawline. "And what better time to learn about yourself than now? I mean if you are even half as good with your new addition as you were with your fingers. And your tongue oh my..."

That was all it took for me to lose my last strand of self-control. I knew better. I did. But I couldn't help myself whenever it came to Sara. And here she is, grinding on my lap, completely naked while practically begging for me to take her. I shouldn't. I really shouldn't. She has just gone through what I'm sure is a very traumatic experience whether or not he finished what he set out to do or not. And, honestly, the only experience I have with using my new appendage is from the porn videos I once tried to watch before realizing that the real thing was a lot better. I haven't even ever slept with a guy before. My sexual experience only extends to women. What if I were to accidentally end up hurting Sara in some kind of way?

"No," I gasped out, slightly surprised that I had somehow been removed of my clothes. I reached out to stop Sara's steady downward decent down my body. "I don't...I'm not..." I tried to speak through gritted teeth, but Sara's hand had made contact and everything that I was planning to say went out the window. I couldn't hold back the moan that escaped my throat as the hand that had originally been intended to stop Sara moved to tangle into her hair, pulling her up into a rough, messy kiss. As her hand continued its glorious work, I slowly rolled us over. In response to the first time being touched, I felt myself approaching the edge embarrassingly fast. I reached down to stop her motions as I trailed a line of hot kisses down her chest, pausing to make sure that each would bruise, before taking her breast in my mouth. Her moan was almost enough to send me over the edge even without being touched and I reveled in it.

"Riley, please." Sara moaned out. "I want you. Please."

Releasing her from my mouth, I pulled back to look into her eyes.

"Are you sure?" I asked as I began to slowly grind against her.

"Yes." She breathed out. I leaned down to capture her mouth in a kiss as I slowly pushed myself into her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2019 ⏰

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