Waves of Emotion

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Wind whipped Kanda's high ponytail behind him. Crew men were rushing around the ship trying to keep it in check. Kanda joined the men to keep himself occupied. It was appreciated when the strong, brooding exorcist helped out.

Nobody protested about Kanda or Allen doing work, except Kanda who protested Allen. Allen was trying to help out Kanda, who refused to acknowledge him. It became increasingly difficult for Kanda to get anything done without running into Allen.

Kanda was securing the cannons when a gloved hand touched his. Kanda's ungloved hand jumped back and pushed the new hand away. He continued to tie up the cannons. Allen disregarded the rejection and tied up the other side, faster. Kanda swiftly moved over to examine the knot and found it was the wrong kind. Allen was already moving on to take over Kanda's job.

"You're just messing everything up!" Kanda shouted as thunder rolled dully behind him. Allen looked up; wind tried to take his white angel hair.

"What?" Allen asked watching Kanda approach him.

"You're tying it wrong and I don't have time to fix it," Kanda shouted while fixing the cannon that Allen had just done.

"I'm just trying to help," Allen argued.

"And you're failing. Just let me do it," Kanda said going along the rest of the ship.

Winds began picking up with intensity; it was becoming harder to see for anyone with long hair. The ship was becoming unstable as waves rolled underneath. The captain began yelling with such urgency that organized chaos broke out all over the vessel.

As men flew all over the ship, Kanda watched white hair out of the corner of his eye. He was still very accurate at handling the rigging, but found too often he wasn't as quick as he had been. Allen had backed off and stood to the side, which made for easier babysitting.

Kanda was in his moment, he didn't have feelings to think about or emotions of Allen clouding his mind. As he worked between the yelling and rushing around, he saw white hair flying under his nose. His eyes locked onto the blur and watched it reach out for a man who was about to fall off of the ship. Kanda imitated Allen and ran forth to save someone from falling off. Allen was bending over the edge, extending his hand to a man that had hold of some netting. The ship was experiencing the wrath of the wind and the man below had no strength to pull himself up. In all of Allen's chivalry, he neglected himself. Kanda was left to rescue the selfless.

Regardless of Kanda's illogical reasoning and pride for not saving Allen, he did anyway. Lurching forward on the rocking ship, he took a strong hold of Allen's ankle. Allen was about to be swallowed by the ocean as it tossed the man on the netting to his death. Kanda's head had smashed right into the side of the ship and blood trickled out ignored. He was pulling Allen's body back into the now slippery deck. Rain was pouring out in big thick drops and making it difficult to see between Kanda's pounding head and the pounding rain.

Allen's uniform was being tugged down; his torso was being scraped across the edge of the ship and all -the blood that had gone to his head rushed back into his limbs. He became light-headed as he hit the deck. He tried focusing his rattled eyes and found a long strong hand sprawled out to support its body. Clearing his vision, he stood up too fast and lost his balance. Before he came crashing down, Kanda reached out and captured him in his arms. Allen looked up from Kanda's chest and smiled, but Kanda wasn't looking. Kanda was focused on his stability and concern for the ship.

As the massive vessel moved with the ocean current, Kanda held tight onto Allen. Kanda watched the scene unfold around him; three more men proceeded to be thrown overboard. Allen struggled against Kanda's arms to help, he couldn't break free. Kanda pulled Allen through the rain to put him below deck.

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