Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Jackson POV

The laughter from downstairs cut through my body as small shards of glass. Why can't she just keep it down? I rolled over on the bed as my father's girlfriend let out another cackle. Her laughter was amplified by her two girlfriends. Why did she have to have a girls night tonight? I pulled myself up from the bed, I needed to get out of this house before I snapped at her. I pulled through the crumbled pile of clothes on my floor trying to find something that didn't smell musty. I picked the least offending smelling t-shirt and pulled it over my head. I buttoned up my jeans when I heard another ruckus from downstairs, I sighed to myself before opening my bedroom window and jumping out. The second floor jump created a sharp impact in my legs as I landed, letting my eyes scan across the road before getting up and walking down the street.

It was still early on in the evening and I knew that the annoying women would stay for at least a few more hours at least in our kitchen. So I had to find do something to do, to keep me occupied until then. Normally I would have gone to Tim's house. The thought of Tim made a small pang of anger pass through me. What was he playing at? Why did he think it was okay for him to stay friends with Cleo now that we had broken up? A sharp pain shot up in my chest, even admitting it to myself was still difficult. Broken up, the words bounced around in my mind. I grabbed hold of a picket fence, lining the foot path as the memories flashed before my eyes. All the moments when I had lost her, little by little, swirled around in me. I shook my head quickly as trying to chase those thoughts away. Whyatt. I will go and see Wyhatt instead I said to myself.

I opened the cold can of soda, took a gulp and looked around the dingy basement that Wyhatt kept insisting to call his 'guy cave'.

"Want to play video games?" Wyhatt asked hopefully.

"Maybe later," I wasn't convinced that another round of Mario cars would solve anything.

"So what's up?" he asked tentatively.

"I'm just trying to figure it out...," I started the sentence. I wanted to tell him about Tim and Cleo, I wanted to tell him how helpless I felt. That he could talk to her but I couldn't. I felt like the only one in the world who couldn't talk to her anymore. My wolf bristled up inside me, it was pumping out through my veins. My wolf growled in my head saying that I shouldn't show weakness, I am the alpha.

I continued my sentence, "I'm just trying to figure out why Tim thinks it's okay to maintain a friendship with Cleo?" I felt my wolf growl on my inside as I tried to remain a calm exterior.

The corners of Wyhatt's mouth twitched, he hesitated before saying, "I heard that they hung out the other day."

"Did they?" I almost roared. How could he do that to me? What had he talked about with her? Had they spoke about me or about the pack?

I dropped the can on the floor, with a fizz it created a growing puddle around my feet.

"Come on Jackson, try to calm down," Wyhatt tried.

"No!" I growled before getting out of the couch and pushing my way past him and out through the door.

"Jackson!" I heard his distant shout as I started running down the foot path, towards Tim's house.

I couldn't believe they were actually hanging out. I knew that he had challenged my authority at the Manson's party but I didn't think that he would follow through on it. My legs pounded against the concrete as I increased my speed.

I turned on to Tim's street, the blonde ruffled hair of the back of his head was the first thing that I saw.

"Hey!" I shouted angrily.

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