New adventures

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The Doctor rushed you to the Tardis with no exact details as to where you might be going. You didn't mind, of course. You were just happy to be with him now.

"So..." You began as you closed the Tardis doors behind you. He payed you no mind as he flew around the console, throwing in coordinates and dates that you couldn't quite follow. You walked closer to him, following him around the console. "Anything you wanna talk about? For instance, where we happen to be going?" He smiled down at his feet like a giggly little boy and chuckled.

"I'd tell you but it's quite a surprise, dear. "

"But why?" You complained childishly.

"Because you like surprises." He answered simply.

"Actually, lately, I don't." You realized. He turned on his heel and looked at you disapprovingly. "Sorry." You looked down, ashamed.

"(Y/n), don't apologize. Just shut up and wait for a minute!" The Doctor walked over to the console and pulled down the lever. The Tardis immediately began to quiver and jolt, as she usually did, but as she did so, there was something a bit off. This fit was worse than her usual ones. The Doctor reached over and grabbed you, pulling you closer to him as she died down.

"Sorry." He loosened his grip. "I guess we're still getting used to each other." He said while patting his ship's console fondly. "More importantly, we're here." He rushed over to the Tardis doors and looked over his shoulder at you. "Say hello to Chapytarmanya." 

Ruffled feathers 12th DoctorxReader (oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now