Second chances

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~Quick Author's Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Wow! People really like this story, huh! I'm so glad! And in acknowledgement of that fact, I might just make this a full story ;)))))

For now, please enjoy this new installment in Ruffled Feathers!


"Oh, good. It's a bit wet out there, if you hadn't noticed." The Doctor

sprinted into the threshold of your door. You followed him into your kitchen as Liz closed and locked the door behind you. You took the chance to speak to him privately.

"Beautiful flowers, Mr. Smith." you said as if you were impressed.

"Are they? Hadn't noticed. But here. They were for you." He shoved them into your hands, before tidying up some invisible flaw in his suit.

"They're actually huge. How much did they cost?"

"Oh, I don't know. Ten? Yeah, ten minutes, about. I got them at some parlor in France on my way here." He continued to search for a reflective surface on which to correct his appearance.

"I meant how much money, Doctor."

"Well, I don't know, (Y/n). I just hacked a bill machine and walked right up to the parlour. I said, "How much for these? The pretty ones. They remind me of someone." She named her price and I gave her everything I had... That wasn't too little, right? I gave her enough?" This made you smile very widely. He turned to you with concern on his face, which caused you to laugh almost uncontrollably.

"What'd I miss, guys?" You turned to see Liz with her arms crossed.

"Oh, not much. My son's girlfriend has just informed me that prices haven't changed much since the last time I was in this part of town. Please, join us." He said gleefully, as he gestured for her to stand with him.

"No thanks. And she's not your son's girlfriend anymore. So stop trying to sugar coat yourself." She walked over to you and linked her arm with yours.

"Er... I'm going to go fetch us some tea." The Doctor awkwardly walked into your kitchen. Liz watched him until he was out of sight.

"He's so weird." She confessed as if she'd been waiting days to tell you. "And he's Scottish? You told me John was from London."

"Well... He is... yeah, he moved. His dad stayed behind. You know, feed the wife and kids..." you lied through your teeth. She was starting to ask the right- rather, wrong- questions.

"Okay. I'll buy it. Only for now. So now that Mr. Smith, John's quixotic dad and his showy flowers are here, what do you plan to do?" She inquired.

"Um... I don't know..." You truly didn't know what you'd do now that he was here. No, you couldn't just forgive him and take his fancy flowers. Not after he was so outright rude to you. But simultaneously, a part of you was absolutely elated to have the Doctor here, in your home, and to be on at least positive terms with him.

"Well, you can't just roll over and love him again. Weird, Scottish, father aside. You know that." Liz asked quietly. She could have her moments, but she really just wanted the best for you, and you both knew that.

"Don't worry. I won't." You said unsurely.

"Good." Just then, you heard a wheezing toot from the kitchen, indicating that the water for the tea was ready. You also heard the Doctor yelp in reaction to the sudden loud noise.

"Are you sure he knows what he's doing in there?" She moved to look around the corner of the threshold between the living room and the kitchen when you heard the Doctor's sonic screwdriver buzzing. You quickly stepped in her way so she couldn't be witness to whatever the Doctor was too unhandy to fix the normal way.

Ruffled feathers 12th DoctorxReader (oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now